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Mu Yan
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After weeks hard working. Finally we have our final presentation power point put together, and to be honest I am satisfied with what we did in the power point. It is not exactly what we wanted to do at first, but I think we are doing our best upon the request from our clients. We have went through our ppt with drew for a few times already, it seems he is satisfied with what we did. But I am still nervous that about if AACSRE is not going to like this presentation. After all this weeks, I am still not... Continue reading
Posted Aug 9, 2016 at CAPSTONE!
Another phone conference we had with our client was on Tuesday, we explained our newest progress to our client during the call. The downside of this meeting for us is that we found our opinions were divided on many prospectives of this project, Patty from AACSRE seems not agree with some suggestions with us, which we think it is correct from our research. But in the end of that meeting, it seems we finally reached to an agreement which would still enable us to get the deliverable we promised in the charter one. Then we made a brand strategy road... Continue reading
Posted Jul 24, 2016 at CAPSTONE!
With the few weeks of confusing and little progress we made, we finally got our second project review. This meeting was extremely helpful and I would describe it as our turning point of this project. This meeting gave me a very clear perspective of what we should be doing from now on. After the project review, the group has a meeting and decided our first step for now is to finish our interview with people who knows the industry, also start the social media plan. All the qualitative interviews went pretty well, we got many good insights from these people.... Continue reading
Posted Jul 9, 2016 at CAPSTONE!
Communicate with our client through phone and email only is a huge challenge for us, especially for Wenqing and me - the two international students in one group. We had a phone meeting with ASSCRE two days ago, to be honest, this meeting made me feel even more confusing, I am not so sure what our clients want. Communicating in a different language through phone would be a huge challenge for international students, it is hard to have effective interaction on the phone call. But I bet Mariah have a better understanding of client, we would have an inperson group... Continue reading
Posted Jun 30, 2016 at CAPSTONE!
From last week, I thought we are having a clear direction of our next step. In order to develop these programs for our organization, we believed it is very necessary to do marketing research like “interviewing with people from signage industry” first, for us to gain a better understanding of the signage industry. So we have been contacting many signage companies in Cincinnati, to request some guidance from them. Since none of us really know about this field, we believed this would be the most effective way for us to learn, then we can decide what to do next. Luckily,... Continue reading
Posted Jun 20, 2016 at CAPSTONE!
With the finish of our charter 1, I developed a better understanding of our direction of this project now. There was one thing I have been worrying about since we got this project: how can we develop the comprehensive marketing plan that our client wants. During our class last week, Mariah found out that the comprehensive strategy for a company would be a deliverable from “brand equity” research in the Capstone filed book. This finding is definitely making our goal more Specific and visualization, and seems it is no longer requires additional consideration of how to build the comprehensive marketing... Continue reading
Posted Jun 14, 2016 at CAPSTONE!
This week, we focused on the first draft of our charter. From the first meeting we had out of class, our team reached an agreement that we should make the “comprehensive marketing plan” based on our client’s 4 buckets. The current situation we are facing is that we do not have an overall idea of what exactly our client wants from us. The last meeting we had, we learned that our client wants a “comprehensive marketing plan”, along with increasing brand awareness, to help them build up brand equity and identity. I understood the brand awareness part, but all the... Continue reading
Posted Jun 5, 2016 at CAPSTONE!
To be honest, the moment I received my project was a disappointment. The organization we got and the expectation or imagination I had were miles apart. Academic Advisory Council for Signage Research and Education (AACSRE), a non-profit organization who’s purpose is to provide independent leadership for the development of new knowledge and educational experiences in order to advance the science, technology, art/advertising, and regulation of signage, specifically on-premise signage. Most of the activities this corporation is doing are pretty strange to me. What I was expecting for the Capstone project should be with a company who has very specific product... Continue reading
Posted May 30, 2016 at CAPSTONE!
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May 30, 2016