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Studio City, CA
This is it, that's the end of the joke.
Recent Activity
You did. It was hysterical, and I CAN'T FIND IT.
The Execution On a dawn the color of moss, I lead...
The Execution On a dawn the color of moss, I lead myself away to be executed. My leg irons clank. In a tree, a bird makes a horrible ruckus, like a fat German man choking to death on an eel bone. We pass a nun who is the spitting image of Herbert Hoover. "Mercy," I say to her. "I'm a Christian,...
ON PATRIOTISM Patriots irk me. They seem to fail...
ON PATRIOTISM Patriots irk me. They seem to fail to realize that the country they so love is only interested in taking their money, forcing them to obey idiotic laws, and if opportune sending them or their children off to be snuffed in one utterly pointless war or another. As H.L. Mencken ...
"choking to death on an eel bone"! "Do you have one that's clip-on?" Wonderful! This whole thing is magic. I still wish I could find that piece you wrote with the phrase "her family raised stoats". I know I didn't imagine that.
The Execution On a dawn the color of moss, I lead...
The Execution On a dawn the color of moss, I lead myself away to be executed. My leg irons clank. In a tree, a bird makes a horrible ruckus, like a fat German man choking to death on an eel bone. We pass a nun who is the spitting image of Herbert Hoover. "Mercy," I say to her. "I'm a Christian,...
I remember when I first heard of them, I said, "Duran Duran? Isn't that the name of the bad guy in Barbarella?" Yes, yes it is. Barbarella is a terrible, terrible movie. I still remember that one scary chick, who kept saying, "My pretty pretty pretty" to Barbarella.
My Synthpop Past I was in Duran Duran. I was...
My Synthpop Past I was in Duran Duran. I was Duran. The second Duran.
It's been so long, I don't remember how I used to log in or what my password was.
Thanks, Obama.
ON PATRIOTISM Patriots irk me. They seem to fail...
ON PATRIOTISM Patriots irk me. They seem to fail to realize that the country they so love is only interested in taking their money, forcing them to obey idiotic laws, and if opportune sending them or their children off to be snuffed in one utterly pointless war or another. As H.L. Mencken ...
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Jun 16, 2016
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