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Angela Martin
Recent Activity
Hello,§ion=details&person=LVQB-622&spouse=LHKW-3B3 the LDS database shows 2 Richard Yorks with same ID LHKW-3B3. It also shows 2 spouses so I know these are 2 men, not the same man. The database shows His father is John Yorke and mothers name is Carpenter. Is this the correct set of parents to the Richard married to Elizabeth Branson and living in Dover?
I believe I'm a descendent of Dorcas York Beck.
Thank You,
Angela Martin
Surname Saturday: York Family
York is an inconvenient name to google unless you use quotation marks. I have a long line of Yorks and there is no comprehensive York genealogy in print. I haven't yet delved into this family with the intensity of my work on the Yeatons, Pinkhams or Wallises. 1. Richard YORK, born say 1620, ...
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Jul 26, 2016
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