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Robert Sylvain
Recent Activity
J'aime ça! Felicitations et bonne chance ma chère petite fille!
Two months later...
Two entire months. I have lived in France for a full eight weeks. In that time, I have (or I feel that I have) completely adjusted to life here. I’ve picked a favorite cafe, I know how to get to a few places in town. I have plans and go-to activities. It’s so exciting for me to realize that thi...
Bien fait ma chère fille! We miss you so much, it's great to see the photos and hear your stories. Keep it coming! Bisous!
Settling In
Today marks the one month anniversary of me boarding a plane that would take me to my new life. Here, in little Frolois, Lorraine, I have progressed much more than I thought possible in a month. When I got on that plane, I didn’t fully know what to expect. I was a little terrified; I had...
Robert Sylvain is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 31, 2016
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