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Many of the popular social media apps, like Facebook and Instagram, have introduced stories, but this is something we've seen before. One of Snapchat's main components of their app is stories, either from friends, or from events happening around the world. The easily accessible camera on our phone has made it so the focus on social media apps are pictures and videos. Snapchat is unique, where you don't make statuses. Same with Instagram in a way, but you still have a description of your picture. Additionally, another key thing about Snapchat and it's stories is that it's only available on... Continue reading
Posted Apr 12, 2017 at Global Media News
Video uploaded by Geeks and Com' With Snapchat, the extremely popular social media app among teenagers and young adults, a user can post an image or video to their story, and it disappears in 24 hours. Conversely, a user can send an image or video to a particular user, or multiple users, which can include geotags and filters. If you send it to another person, it disappears in 10 seconds or less. Facebook has now jumped on the stories bandwagon and it could be a hit or miss. At first, Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, created the clever name... Continue reading
Posted Mar 28, 2017 at Global Media News
Have you ever wondered where the female emojis have been? This past September, you probably noticed a wave of new female emojis on Apple's iOS 10 update. The salsa lady, bride and princess are some of the existing female emojis, but the career emojis now have a female alternate that ladies can use. This includes police officers, construction workers and a spy (which is new in general). And in the sports field, there are female basketball players, golf players, swimmers/surfers and weightlifters. Others include an angry face, single parent families, and a pedestrian. This is from Following in Apple's... Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2017 at Global Media News
The rise of social media has taken over the world, making it easier to share anything to the internet, and doing it quicker than ever before. But there's one website that Mexicans use more frequently than the million of other ones, and that's Facebook. According to eMarketer and a poll they ran, 97% of people use Facebook, which is far beyond other websites used in the country. That's estimated to be 51.8 million people. Mexico is also the largest internet market in Latin America, according to BBC Profiles. Here's a quote from Facebook Mexico CEO Jorge Ruiz Escamilla, from The... Continue reading
Posted Oct 6, 2016 at Global Media News
Did you know that The CW hit "Jane The Virgin" was a Venezuelan telenovela in 2002? Translated to "Juana la Virgen", this telenovela is about a young lady named Juana who accidentally gets pregnant at the doctor's office due to artificial insemination. She later falls in love with the biological father, and the rest is history. The original telenovela aired for 153 episodes, which is equivalent to seven seasons in the American television. The writers and producers in America weren't keen on having the show for seven seasons, so they picked the pace up of the storyline. Courtesy of the... Continue reading
Posted Sep 20, 2016 at Global Media News
The popular Colombian telenovela Yo Soy Betty La Fea (translated to "I Am Betty the Ugly") has crushed a big telenovela stereotype. Classic telenovelas in South America are filled with pounds of make-up, beautiful and well-known actresses, and over dramatic episodes. This telenovela's main character is a girl with big glasses, braces, and untamed hair. No other telenovela is like this one, and everyone is hooked on it. Yo Soy Betty La Fea stars Ana Maria Orozco as Beatriz "Betty" Pinzó Solano, the sweet, shy, intelligent and unattractive main character, who falls in love with her boss Armando while working... Continue reading
Posted Sep 13, 2016 at Global Media News
Many people all over the world have been watching the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro this past August. But Brazil would rather have their eyes glued to watching telenovelas. Around 91 million people in Brazil sit, relax, and tune into TV Globo each day, which was addressed in The Economist. That number is almost half of Brazil's population, and the numbers the United States hope to get once a year. Their popular soap operas called telenovelas, get the largest viewers, ratings, and word of mouth around Brazil. According to a 2011 study conducted by the Brazilian Institute of... Continue reading
Posted Sep 8, 2016 at Global Media News
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Aug 31, 2016