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Alex Karan
Imaginit Senior Application Engineer
Recent Activity
When you need to create custom cables and add colors for cable wires, we used to change Microsoft Access “default_cat.mdb” file - _W0_CBLWIRES table. Once migrated to Microsoft SQL, following is the procedure of adding wire colors for cables, using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio console. 1. To add new Cables - use AutoCAD Electrical Cable Component Edit and select lookup, or in the Catalog Browser, select W0 table and add new Cable. 2. To add cable wires colors: Open Microsoft SQL instance used for AutoCAD Electrical BOM Database using Microsoft SQL management Studio 3. Go to Tools > Options.... Continue reading
Issue: When trying to login to Vault Professional 2017 using Inventor 2017 getting error message: Autodesk Addin, Failed to acquire a license. Please restart the product. Causes: Inventor was logged in to the different Vault version (Basic or Workgroup) Solution: Following steps solved the issue: Launch windows registry with regedit.exe Go to folder "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Autodesk\PLM\Autodesk Vault 22.0\". If folder doesn't exist - create it. Edit the key "Edition" Change the value from "Basic" or "Workgroup" to "Professional" Save the changed value with press button "OK" Restart Autodesk Inventor 2017 and logging in into Vault Continue reading
Posted Nov 11, 2016 at IMAGINiT Manufacturing Solutions Blog
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Sep 1, 2016