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Michael Carney
Recent Activity
the liquid base for the bolognese is wine and fish stock?
Day Boat Scallops with Parsley Root, Caviar, Sea Truffles
In celebration of Clio, really of chef Ken Oringer, we took a favorite dish from Clio's opening menu as an inspiration. The dish was elegant, smart, forward thinking, and delicious. Ken's creation was Seared Day Boat Scallops with parsley root, fried parsley and osetra caviar. The seared sca...
any chance you can hit us with the cranberry-horseradish sauce recipe for t day?
Salsa Verde
As part of our new fangled, old school Thanksgiving dinner alongside the cranberry horseradish sauce was a bowl of salsa verde. It's Alex's newest obsession and he does it very well. Last night's version was made with several slices of bread soaked with a blend of malt vinegar and balsamic v...
i am amazed by what i find in your archives.
Vinaigrettes and Pickles
Vinaigrettes and pickles are tied closely together, from the instrumental ingredient—vinegar—to the culinary approach and techniques used. In making pickles and vinaigrettes the first and key aspect is balancing flavors. In vinaigrettes we balance the flavor in context with the vegetable, frui...
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Sep 9, 2016
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