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Mike F.
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Ok, thanks for clarifying. Family trees get confusing fast!
Toggle Commented Jul 28, 2023 on Kissimmee River Steamboats at Florida Remembered
My grandmother, Corinne, had two sisters; Grace and Mary Ethel. I remember my mom going to see Mary Ethel in DeLand. She passed away in the 1993, according to By the way you worded your comment, it sounds like your grandmother is still living. Is that correct? I was just in Kissimmee this past weekend. You have to go to a spot like Lake Kissimmee to get a feel for the Old Florida these days. Very glad to connect!
Toggle Commented Jul 26, 2023 on Kissimmee River Steamboats at Florida Remembered
Thanks for commenting, and that's pretty cool. Addison and his wife, Ellen, are buried just a few steps from daughters Grace and Corinne, as well as my mom, Claire, at Kissimmee Rose Hill Cemetery.
Toggle Commented Jul 26, 2023 on Kissimmee River Steamboats at Florida Remembered
The fall season for conferences in the Orlando area will soon begin, and Orlando Corporate Media is ready with videographers, audio technicians and producers to film your event. From interviews and testimonials, to on-site live streams and everything in between, we are Orlando's 5-star rated video production and live stream... Continue reading
Posted Jul 13, 2023 at Business Videographer
Looking for the best videography event services? Look no further than Orlando Corporate Media. Our expertise and commitment to quality set us apart. Continue reading
Posted Jun 27, 2023 at Business Videographer
Orlando Corporate Media provides videographers for most any business event. Keynotes, breakout sessions, meetings, and events of all kinds can be filmed and delivered as unedited files, or we can edit them into presentations, highlight and sizzle reels, interviews, testimonials and other specialty videos. Videographers for business events With two... Continue reading
Posted May 4, 2023 at Business Videographer
Looking to upgrade your webinars? Video production services, including cameras, lighting and audio gives your Zoom, Teams or WebEx events a polished and professional look. We connect to your account, or we'll create and manage the event on our webinar platform. Orlando Corporate Media has more than 11 years experience... Continue reading
Posted Mar 28, 2023 at Business Videographer
If you're needing a conference, presentation, interview or event professionally filmed, there are plenty of options for videographers and video production companies in Orlando and Central Florida. But how much does a videographer cost? We've created a page on our website that addresses costs, and what a company or organization... Continue reading
Posted Feb 23, 2023 at Business Videographer
When an Orlando meeting, conference or event is on the agenda, Orlando Corporate Media is ready with film crews and live stream services. Our most popular services include: Keynote and breakout session filming Trade show filming Documenting an event Conducting interviews Filming testimonials Live streaming meetings and events Private webcasts... Continue reading
Posted Jan 27, 2023 at Business Videographer
Professional video production services by Orlando Corporate Media is an easy and effective way to upgrade your Zoom, Teams and WebEx live events. One of our clients recently did just this with our video production and encoding services to make their event more interesting and engaging. Instead of talking with... Continue reading
Posted Jan 9, 2023 at Business Videographer
Orlando, Florida has hundreds, if not thousands of conferences, meetings and workshops each year, and your company may be one of them. When you are visiting or conducting business in Orlando and Central Florida, video recording and filming of meetings can be scheduled with one phone call to Orlando Corporate... Continue reading
Posted Mar 22, 2022 at Business Videographer
As we prepare to launch Orlando Webcasts, we're also launching this blog to keep up with news from Orlando and in the webcasting, webinar and streaming media sectors. Technology is fluid, so we'll share news that is interesting, informative and can be of use to our clients, vendors and partners.... Continue reading
Posted Nov 27, 2016 at Orlando Webcast News
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Sep 10, 2016