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A lack of attentiveness to this particular article in this particular blog on the part of the human species indicates that most of humanity is brain dead? I'd like to see the logic behind this statement, because it strikes me as a rather obvious attempt at manipulating people into commenting. (It's also a bit juvenile, a thinly rephrased way of telling people, "You don't care what I have to say, or have better things to do than comment on my blog? Well, you're STUPID. That's why.")
You also, here and in other posts, repeatedly threaten people that you will be done, this will be your last post, etc. Yet you never throw in the towel. (I hope you don't, BTW.) If this is all such a joke, why do you take it so seriously? Why do you take a lack of adulation and interest from random internet users so seriously?
Your blog does contain a great deal of insight and a unique perspective in the insignificant opinion of this random internet user. If you're looking for a more conversational way of interacting with your audience, this is not the platform you're looking for. You'd have a helluva lot more success making a "Decline of the Empire" subreddit for instance, which would encourage much more commenting on the part of your readers. No need to bang your head against the proverbial wall and hurl insults into the void.
Goodnight, Dave, and thanks for all the obvious effort you put into the Herculean task of educating the hopeless denizens of the internet.
October Surprise!
Let's have some fun, shall we? National Public Radio had a dilemma. On Friday, thanks to Russia and Wikileaks, we got partial transcripts of Clinton's paid speeches to Golden Sachs, Deutsche Bank, and other elite organizations. The problem for NPR was this: how could they present these transcrip...
01010101 is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 10, 2016
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