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Kathryn Gossow
Recent Activity
Wonderful! I am sure there will be lots more great books from her.
Death in Folk & Fairy Tales
Once upon a time there was a poor tailor who could barely feed his twelve children. When the thirteenth was born, the distraught man ran out to the road nearby determined to find someone to stand as godfather to the child. He knew of no other way that he could provide for his newborn son. The ...
Thank you for all this wonderful detail. The Tiger's Wife by Tea Obreht has the essence of the Godfather Death story in it I think.
Death in Folk & Fairy Tales
Once upon a time there was a poor tailor who could barely feed his twelve children. When the thirteenth was born, the distraught man ran out to the road nearby determined to find someone to stand as godfather to the child. He knew of no other way that he could provide for his newborn son. The ...
Kathryn Gossow is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 28, 2016
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