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Hello, these posts are really great and informative. I'm wondering how I would cite fair use of a figure adapted from a journal article or book If I believe that it would apply? To use your examples would it look like: " Adapted from Managing Therapy-Interfering Behavior: Strategies From Dialectical Behavior Therapy (p. 172), by A. L. Chapman and M. Z. Rosenthal, 2016, Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Reproduced under fair use. From “Social Media: A Contextual Framework to Guide Research and Practice,” by L. A. McFarland and R. E. Ployhart, 2015, Journal of Applied Psychology, 100, p. 1656. Reproduced under fair use. " Would that work or would other alterations be necessary?
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jzerbe627 is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 23, 2016