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Jean Rabe
Jean is a mystery writer who shares her office with four dogs and a noisy parrot.
Interests: Reading, writing, fantasy football, museums, dogs, board games, war games, role-playing games, summer. I love summer.
Recent Activity
I volunteer often. So do a lot of veteran writers. We volunteer to help new writers...we review their manuscripts, edit short stories, assist with outlines, and offer advice. And the more we volunteer, the more word gets out and the more requests subsequently come in. And the more writing time... Continue reading
Posted Apr 25, 2017 at MY ROADBLOCK
Avocado green, actually. Though they looked more like the shade of green olives. I rented the upper floor of a house when I moved to Wisconsin. It was in Williams Bay, tucked back off the highway by a long, winding gravel drive, and it was surrounded by trees. An idyllic... Continue reading
Posted Mar 28, 2017 at MY ROADBLOCK
Writing Advice? Books on the topic fill shelves. Stephen King’s On Writing is one of my favorites. If you don't own it, go out and buy it. Frey's How to Write a Damn Good Novel is another one to consider. Though I’ve taught writing classes, advised graduate students, and can... Continue reading
Posted Mar 14, 2017 at MY ROADBLOCK
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Nov 30, 2016