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Will do! Thanks!
Reference Twins: Or, How to Cite Articles With the Same Authors and Same Year
by Chelsea Lee Have you ever been friends with a pair of identical twins? Twins who looked so alike that, at first, telling them apart all hinged on finding that distinguishing freckle, or hoping someone else would call them by their names so you could memorize what clothes each was wearing th...
Hi Chelsea,
I have 2 citations from the same year that begin with the same first author and include 6 authors meaning that the first citation would be presented using et al. instead of reporting all authors. The 2nd author is different, however. Do I cite these in the text as, e.g., Smith, Jones, et al. (2013) and Smith, Williams, et al. (2013) or should an a/b format be used?
Thank you for your help!
Reference Twins: Or, How to Cite Articles With the Same Authors and Same Year
by Chelsea Lee Have you ever been friends with a pair of identical twins? Twins who looked so alike that, at first, telling them apart all hinged on finding that distinguishing freckle, or hoping someone else would call them by their names so you could memorize what clothes each was wearing th...
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Dec 5, 2016
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