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Crystal Gale
Recent Activity
After reading this post, I would like to play. I have never been interested in the game, but you are so enthusiastic. I love the tie with Germany.
Immersing Myself in Story with Dungeons and Dragons by Chantel Freed
I really never saw myself as a person that would play Dungeons and Dragons (D&D), but when my husband and I returned from living in Germany we began to play. We love it because it reminds us of Germany. First, D&D is a fantasy realm table top role-playing game. This is where a person can embo...
Your post was very interesting to me. Thank-you for the book recommend.
Never Say "No" in China by Sharon Winters
Simply put, in the Chinese culture, it’s okay to say, “I’m sorry,” but it is never okay to say, “No.” If you say “No,” either in English or a Chinese dialect, you will be perceived as a brute. The Chinese say “No” in many other ways. This is a culture that does not want to embarrass someone or ...
I love the original versions. So true about Disney. I would have loved to hear you tell Snow White.
The True Mirrors by Elizabeth Wunsch
Are you really ready? When you look in the mirror are you capable of accepting the reflections of your own truths? Have you ever had a boss that was jealous of you and did what they could to thwart you? Has anyone had a stepmother whose jealousy drove her to rip your image out of pictures and...
It is so amazing how the stories of childhood stay with a person into adulthood. I loved your weaving. It is such a beautiful tapestry.
I Know Why by Elizabeth Wunsch
I remember my Grandmother, Nora Fogarty Wunsch, sitting me in the rocking chair next to hers on the front porch of the lumbering house my ancestors built in New Jersey. She would tell me stories about how the Irish side of the family came across the Big Ocean in the 1800’s. They settled in New ...
"Keep on keeping on." Thank-you Marilee for the encouragement.
My Journey as an Artist by Marilee Lasch
When I told my father that I would love to study art, he replied that no daughter of his was going to be a damn artist as artists were drunks and whores, and lived penniless. So I lived the life the world thought I should live. I got married at 21, soon became pregnant, put my husband through c...
Thank-you Elizabeth. Sometimes it is hard to hear other people's stories because they are at times painful to listen to. I think it is these stories that help keep my heart soft and connected to reality.
A Story is a story is a story by Elizabeth Wunsch
Early Thursday morning. On my way to the White Tank County Cemetery. A place practically devoid of headstones, mostly graced with little copper markers. Markers making those who were invisible a little less invisible. Markers that guarantee the holders of each of these individual’s stories will...
What wonderful imagery! I am looking forward to the day when I can cross over and be reunited with those that have gone before.
A Special Poem by Joan Misek
I started to read Irish Poems to learn some special stories. One after another and nothing rang a bell until I read “A DREAM” Beauty! Truth! I knew I’d like to share this poem: A DREAM By William Allingham. Born in the moonlight of the lane, Quench’d in the heavy shadow again. Schoolmates, marc...
I will see these crosses in a new light. I liked that they marked an area of sacred space and provided a focal point for meditation. I look forward to hearing more about these crosses in the future. Thanks Dixie.
High Crosses of Ireland by Dixie Walljasper
In the spring of 2015 I had the pleasure of joining Semester Abroad Ireland sponsored by Mesa community college. For the month of June, the participants each took two classes one being Irish storytelling and the second being the Ancient History of Ireland. We had storytelling classes every da...
Thank-you for your honesty Mario! Life is full of these strange feelings that contradict one another.
A Tale of Bravery by Mario Avent
Kids make me nervous and I am a little terrified of them. They are brutally honest, loud, fragile and as far as I can recall I have never been a fan of kids. When I was in grade school I knew kids were rambunctious and dirty, because I was one of them. I was the kid in third grade that always t...
I too often wonder what it would be like to listen to someone tell stories who wrote such lovely words. I think I would like to hear Rudyard Kipling. Thank-you for the thoughts that are provoking more thoughts.
I Wonder by Chantel Freed
What if I gave you the option that from this point forward you could only write or talk but not both. What would be your choice of communication? Some of us are talkers and some of us are writers. Can we effectively do both with the exact same data? Perhaps, if you are a writer you may feel tha...
Sally, I cannot agree more with you. I too never realized the depth and breadth of the Irish Storytelling Tradition. So much variety, so many images, and so many fairies.
Ah, the White-thorn! by Sally Borg
I was not sure what to expect when I signed up for The Irish Storytelling Tradition class. Honestly, I viewed it as an opportunity to take the class without having to leave my home to take that pesky travel to Ireland. And a few more credits toward a Storytelling Certificate. What a surprise! I...
I too pondered your comparisons between dance and storytelling. Thank-you for sharing.
Behind The Scenes In The Life Of A Storyteller by Marian Giannatti
As someone who has only recently “arrived” as a storyteller, I have many friends and acquaintances who are confused or wondering at how and why I do it - tell stories, that is. It is not always easy to explain. The why is the simplest. I do it because I love it. I love picking a story, learning...
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Dec 11, 2016
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