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David Green
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Great post, Glen. The only point I'd disagree with is the one that the greatest penalty of leadership is loneliness. Sure, there are times when your decision has to be made, and when you alone have to push the purpose, but I've always built a strong management team where I can talk confidently of their support to any of my managers. This has filtered to many other team members who have from time to time offered their personal support in pressing times. I've never felt lonely while leading. Perhaps it helps that I don't conceive of myself as a 'leader' but I lead when necessary. Function, not status.
Toggle Commented Feb 27, 2018 on Leadership Lessons at Herding Cats
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Glen, thanks for the post: succinct summary. I've picked it up in my Linkedin account.
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David Green is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 22, 2016