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Melanie Mallek
Recent Activity
[email protected]
Season's Givings Blog Hop!
HAPPY TWENTY SEVENTEEN, dear crafty friends! If you are new here, please allow me to say WELCOME! I do hope you'll come back and visit again soon. :) I'm so excited to be a part of this beautiful blog hop hosted by Latisha Yoast and full of spectacular companies and bloggers...all read...
My favorite thing in 2016 was my Son's high school graduation ♥ and the thing I'm looking forward to the most in 2017 is creating art & summer camping with my loves! You have some wonderful monthly faves up there ...February is adorable, just chicken in Lol how cute! Thank you for the generous prize opportunity. Cheers to an exciting & crafty new year!
Season's Givings Blog Hop!
HAPPY TWENTY SEVENTEEN, dear crafty friends! If you are new here, please allow me to say WELCOME! I do hope you'll come back and visit again soon. :) I'm so excited to be a part of this beautiful blog hop hosted by Latisha Yoast and full of spectacular companies and bloggers...all read...
Melanie Mallek is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 2, 2017
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