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Brian Vignola Pechar
Recent Activity
HONG KONG – Chinese-born billionaire, Guo Wengei who resides in America has flooded accusations of corruption against family members of highly ranked Chinese Communist Party officials. China’s government had asked Interpol to order an arrest on him, this week. Facebook had suspended Wengei’s account on Friday, but after he publicly complained about it the account was unsuspended while Facebook said it was a mistake. This occurred in heat of a full-court press by the Chinese government to go against the accusations made by the billionaire. It presents a regular problem for Facebook, which should distinguish matters between bad manners and... Continue reading
Posted Apr 27, 2017 at Global Media News
On Thursday, Twitter sued the U.S. Department of Homeland Security asking the court to not take procedure in revealing the identity of an account that has been critical of the Trump Administration. The lawsuit can bring potential conflict between the Trump administration and Twitter regarding digital privacy, a problem that has created a problem between the technology industry and government in recent years. Twitter had presented in a federal court filing that it was presented a summons to show the identity or identities behind @ALT_USCIS one of many so-called alt-accounts operated by people appearing to be active or former federal... Continue reading
Posted Apr 27, 2017 at Global Media News
Josh Rupprecht has been named Vice President of Public Relations by the Los Angeles Chargers. Rupprecht, 37, was previously working as Senior Associate Athletic Director for Communications for the UCLA Athletic Department. He was on top of all communications and media relations efforts, running all social, video, and web content via the many digital platforms provided, and served as a primary spokesman. From 2000-13, he was involved with the public relations department for the Los Angeles Lakers. He started working as an intern with the team, while later becoming a primary press contact, worked with team officials and players on... Continue reading
Posted Apr 10, 2017 at Global Media News
(Illustration by Kim Dong-kyu, demonstrating an individual needing to use their phone in the wilderness) Computer scientist, Cal Newport write books and create blogs. However, he avoids using social media, rather than heavily using it. Newport believes more people should follow this and quit using social media. He sees several issues with social media of refining civic life to its cultural shallowness because it can possibly hurt someone’s career. This goes against the current logic of the impact of social media in the professional world. It’s been said that it is important to tend a potential social media brand, to... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2017 at Global Media News
On Friday, Facebook announced they would allow an audit of information presented to marketers that provides them with new, more particular measurement data, following the criticism from America’s biggest advertiser, Procter & Gamble. They believe there is a lack of transparency demonstrated in the digital ad platforms. Facebook, which came under review last year for repeated inaccuracies in the ways they measure ads, also announced that they would present marketers with alternative options for purchasing video ads this year. A group of people who attended the Lisbon Web Summit in November. Facebook was under lots of examination last year for... Continue reading
Posted Feb 21, 2017 at Global Media News
Donald Trump is now the President and he is still tweeting. This could put his personal information and the country at a security risk. Trump has been using his older Android device to tweet. There are concerns on whether the device is safe to use and the vulnerability that his phone and personal information could be hacked. New York showed screenshots of his tweets referring that they are tweeted from Trump's Android device. The Guardian showed the phone number and emails with asterisks linked to Trump's twitter, shown below. Hey @POTUS, On a serious note. Lets fix your Security settings.... Continue reading
Posted Feb 7, 2017 at Global Media News