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I know someone had mentioned using "Updated ed." earlier in the comments, but my textbook is revised and updated. Would it be correct to cite it as the first version (as cited in the syllabus my teacher gave me) or the second version?
Kroeger, O., Thuesen, J. M., & Rutledge, H. (2002). Type talk at work: How the 16 personality types determine your success on the job (Revised and Updated ed.). New York, NY: Dell Publishing.
Kroeger, O., Thuesen, J. M., & Rutledge, H. (2002). Type talk at work: How the 16 personality types determine your success on the job (Rev. and updated ed.). New York, NY: Dell Publishing.
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Citing an Edition of a Book in APA Style
by Timothy McAdoo Question When a book has multiple editions, which edition should I include in my reference list? Answer Your reference list should include the edition of the book that you read and are relying on for your information. You need to include references to more than one edition o...
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Apr 12, 2017
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