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Rye City Democrats
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Another thing that is not in Rye residents' interests is the Mayor's attempt to limit public commentary on Disbrow. *He refused Councilwoman Danielle Tagger-Epstein's request (made on behalf of a resident who could not attend for health reasons) to have the June 26 Disbrow meeting videoed, telling her by email, "We've heard by email from lots of folks recently who have registered their particular views. I suspect many of those folks may show up at the next workshop. I'm not so certain that it is productive to have the workshop serve as a vehicle for those folks to record a video version of their emails." *At the July 12 City Council meeting he moved the opportunity to comment - Item 8 on the agenda - from the middle of the meeting to after 11 pm. A number of people who had come to comment saw that he passed over Item 8 and left, not realizing residents could still comment at the end of the meeting.
If you are persuaded by the Mayor's statement, please read this before you make up your mind:
Rye residents: do you want a playing field costing $50+ million? Over ten times as much as any previous City borrowing? More than the City's entire annual income? Nope, we don't either. Nor do we want a Mayor deflecting attention from his mistake with misdirection, attack and distraction.
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Jul 20, 2017