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Taking too much time for market deliveries.VW keeps on announcing future productions nos and no of electric models without producing anything ID3 deliveries in mid 2020 is too late.
Why be do pessimistic .this is beginning of storage systems and one day it will rival france nuclear capacity.
Time this group starts electric vehicle to market. Jagaur and hyundia are first to start production. Germans are loosing out.
Every country that trades with china will prosper if they stop imports totally from china. Their every product is cross sunsidised.
With the biggest two wheeler market India needs electric two wheelers that go atleast 100 kms on charge and we also need battery swappings stations on massive scale. With vheap solar power this will change face of india.
Tesla has shown the path and if others can catch up in ev production Tesla will find hard to compete with such slow increase in production.
It is a good beginning. Hydrogen from solar wind can replace increasing amount of diesel.
This process has huge limitation and can be produced in large quantities.
Vw keeps on talking of future. Can you put a good chiep electric car on road today? No. This is inspite of being no one car maker of the world.
Except for few auto companies cant produce before 2020 They cant match gm, tesla or jaguar.
When is the delivery of the car?
German car companies are behind Jaguar also in electric cars. Renault Nissan are far ahead of germans
Concepts concepts all the while Worlds biggest car company can put an electric car in market or a high range hybrid even 10 years after Tesla
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Sep 16, 2017