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human engr
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Thanks. Others I've checked all agree.
1 reply
I had missed your earlier response on this issue ("The sentence should still be grammatically correct without the parenthetical information.” ), with which I fully concur. I haven’t been able to trace the source of this ill-formed construction and am hoping you could confirm that no guides endorse this.
1 reply
Do you know of any style guide that permits this citation format: (Smith and Wexwood 2010) reported an increase in the number of books read, whereas (Gibson 2011) reported a decrease. (Albright, Wayne, and Fortinbras 2004) found no significant results. with cites in parentheses as integral parts of the sentence rather than as supporting data. I have seen this in various venues, mostly technical conference papers. Search as I might, I cannot locate any guide that supports this.
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Sep 25, 2017