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Clarine Berry
Recent Activity
The problem is NOT neo-liberalism the problem is the american project based on Rockefelleres foundations Wall Street hedge-funds and new economic order imposing wars destroying millions of families regime changes i Brazil Russia India SAfrica Somalia Kenya Congo,Angola,Philipines,China,Hong-Kong EnglandArgentinaBoliviaVenezelaNicaragua ,Cuba ,can you plz leave Russia and China in peace??not like US did in Curacao,Aruba,France,Grenadines,Turkey,Libya.Syria,El Salvador Paraguay wars for resourcs and destruction
Taking a Crack at Neoliberalism
Here is the back story for my new piece “Rescuing Economics from Neoliberalism,” just out in the Boston Review. I have never been a fan of the term “neoliberal.” It has never been quite clear what it means. Nor is it obvious who today’s neoliberals are. Thatcher, Reagan, Pinochet in their day, y...
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Nov 14, 2017
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