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Madison WI
Recent Activity
20th in the Series With the recent success of the men's basketball team in Bramlage Coliseum, now known as the "Octagon of Doom,"K-State fans forget or don't realize that Bramlage hasn't always been a deafening and intimidating place for visiting teams. In fact, the opening of the new basketball facility... Continue reading
Posted Oct 23, 2018 at talking
Milton isn't someone I've actually read, alas, but I may just have discovered how Adam and Eve felt when booted out of Eden. Only my Eden was an American academic library, specifically, K-State Libraries. Normally a librarian at K-State, I currently have to make do with the services and collections... Continue reading
Posted Oct 23, 2018 at talking
Worm Runner's Digest If you've always thought psychological biologists looked like this: And wrote articles as engaging as this: Then I'd like to introduce you to the Worm Runner's Digest, edited by James V. McConnell. If you subscribed to the Journal of Biological Psychology, as K-State did from 1967-1979, the... Continue reading
Posted Oct 23, 2018 at talking
Recently students have been coming forth about the use of dating sites on campus. One of these sites is Craigslist personals. The site allows students to post ads for dates in their area, typical ads include a picture, description of hobbies, and a short introduction. Recently the school council discussed... Continue reading
Posted Oct 23, 2018 at talking
Who dosen't want to be a smarter person. Smarter people live longer, are happier, and more well liked. Unfortunately many people believe that the only way to be smart is by paying lots of money or going to expensive universities. However studies show that we can learn just as much... Continue reading
Posted Dec 3, 2017 at talking
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Nov 21, 2017