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Andrew Owens
Recent Activity
Let's finish this!
I just wanted to take this time to reflect on my overall capstone experience. It was one wild ride to say the least. Handling the ambiguity was probably my biggest challenge. I’m the type of person that likes structure and set deadlines. This experience allowed me to grow and understand how to handle this type of pressure. Another learning experience, was how I always found myself focusing on the “how” rather than the “why” when coming up with our recommendations and deliverables for our client. I found I wasn’t dreaming big enough and my ideas were falling short because I... Continue reading
Posted Apr 8, 2018 at CAPSTONE!
Getting there...
This week was a very busy week for the DAAP Fashion show team. Sharlene and I finished our DAAP premium experience deliverable and our client really liked the idea. Laurie thought it would be a great idea for if/when Macy’s backs out of the show and doesn’t donate anymore. This was really exciting and I’m eager to complete the module and finish the plan. Next this week, we meet with Laurie and went over our social media strategy. This went really well and it was exciting to see how many people agreed with our ideas and wanted to launch our... Continue reading
Posted Apr 1, 2018 at CAPSTONE!
Project Review
After taking a week off for Spring break, I’m back to work on my Capstone project. Sharlene and I had our final project review and we have some work to do. Our communication with our client was falling so we have set up a meeting with her next week. The purpose of this meeting will be to go over our final deliverables and to see if there are any last minute things our client would like us to do. Drew pointed out that our social media strategy wasn’t hitting the mark for reaching industry professionals and that we needed to... Continue reading
Posted Mar 25, 2018 at CAPSTONE!
Moving Slowly
This week in capstone was pretty uneventful. We delivered our deliverables to our client on 3/1 and we haven’t heard anything back on them. We were hoping to set up a meeting during the week, but our client has been very busy and hasn’t gotten back with us yet. Moving forward I’m hoping we can meet after spring break so that we can get our social media plan launched and ready to go. Over break I hope to get a plan together, so that we can finish out this capstone project strong. It seems like we have most of the... Continue reading
Posted Mar 11, 2018 at CAPSTONE!
Keep Going!
This week was all about finalizing our deliverables for our client. Sharlene and I completed our channel and social media deliverables for the 2018 DAAP Fashion show. I actually really enjoyed completing the social media calendar for our client. Coming up with content ideas was really enjoyable and I’m looking forward to presenting them to our client this coming week. I also found a really cool word template for an event planning calendar. This was very helpful when it came to visualizing our recommendations. We were able to color coordinate the calendar in terms of the different phasing of our... Continue reading
Posted Mar 4, 2018 at CAPSTONE!
Social Media
This week was all about getting our deliverables ready for our client. The channel and social media strategies are due to our client on March 1st. This week I started working on our contact list for different media sources that we’d like to advertise on. I was working on Instagram influencers and radio stations. I thought it would be a lot easier to find contact information for these things, but it actually took a lot of searching around. I was unclear how to contact a radio station, so I just sent them an email and hoped for the best. I... Continue reading
Posted Feb 25, 2018 at CAPSTONE!
Meetings and More Meetings
This week was a very busy week for me. Sharlene and I had meetings with Drew and our client, Laurie Wilson. Both of the meetings went really well and we have a better understanding on what types of deliverables our client wants. We are working towards creating a contact list for fashion bloggers, social influencers, radio shows, and other media contacts. We also presented our pricing strategy to Laurie. After reviewing it, she wasn’t a huge fan of our recommendations. Since this event is such a huge fundraiser for the college, they aren’t really interested in discounting the tickets to... Continue reading
Posted Feb 18, 2018 at CAPSTONE!
The DAAP Fashion Show Experience
This week in the life of a MS Marketing capstone student, there was a strong focus on understanding the business our client is in. As many of you know, Sharlene and I are working with the DAAP Fashion Show. After doing the "unpacking" exercise in class, it was clear that our topic is all about feeling happy and the status of our event. This exercise was very helpful to truly understand our business and what the attendees experience by going to this event. We also finalized our value pricing deliverable. We feel like we have some very solid recommendations for... Continue reading
Posted Feb 11, 2018 at CAPSTONE!
The Big Picture Framework
This week in the life of a MS Marketing Capstone student was all about starting the marketing strategy for our client. Sharlene and I started working on our deliverables for our client. Our first deliverable is value based pricing strategy. Since we are working on a fashion show, this is all about ticket sales. The DAAP Fashion Show sells out every year, so we don’t necessarily have to worry about that. Instead we are focusing on how to get more industry professionals to attend this event. As stated in my previous posts, this fashion show is the top of the... Continue reading
Posted Feb 4, 2018 at CAPSTONE!
Research and Planning
This week in the life of a MS Marketing Capstone student was all about research and planning. This week Sharlene and I primarily worked on the Charter for our project with the DAAP fashion show. This part of the project is very important because we want to make sure that we have a solid plan for our project. Our project is a little different, because our client needs to have most of the deliverables completed before March 1st. Our client needs these deliverables, so that they can be applied to this year’s show. The fashion show is at the end... Continue reading
Posted Jan 28, 2018 at CAPSTONE!
Here we go!
Sharlene and I have the privilege of working with Laurie Wilson at DAAP for their end of the year fashion show. Both Sharlene and I are very excited about this opportunity and we are looking forward to developing a social media strategy for our client. As we know, social media is a huge topic in our industry and we are eager to develop a plan to promote DAAP’s fashion show, which hosts 1,500 attendees each year. Going into our initial meeting with Laurie, I was rather nervous. I honestly had no idea what to expect from our meeting and didn’t... Continue reading
Posted Jan 21, 2018 at CAPSTONE!
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Jan 11, 2018
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