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Graham Dungworth
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String theories are not stupid Marni; their relevance is still open to question viz a viz. particle physics. Don't denigrate an entire endeavour.Illuminate what is wise.
Toggle Commented Mar 13, 2019 on Conference Update 3 at Arcadian Gravity
The committee are at fault on their cited example of the absence of any relationship to Wien's laws to particle rest mass. The lambda max wavelength exactly equates with the Compton wavelength, (Bohr wavelength/137), for particle pair production in a relativistic gas at thermal equilibrium. It is the very mechanism in pair instability production in some supernova, namely the production of electron positron rest masses from photons at this wavelength. Again at higher temperatures at size scale below the electron radius ie. at Bohr radius/(137^2), baryon pair production comes into play. These are the corner stones of what are defined as rest masses. They may need to do a little homework on other points Marni. Keep it simple. regards Graham
Toggle Commented Mar 13, 2019 on Conference Update 3 at Arcadian Gravity
Hello Marni- true I'm now quite old but there is no evidence for dementia and my memory is quite crisp. Infact, I just checked the old galaxy zoo forum. I rarely do so since it basically closed without notice. I can still sign in to view threads and do so perhaps 3 or 4 times a year. If I remember I last checked last month and your posts were all there, starting a few days after my first post on the subject. Yes-it's mysterious and most worrying. A few months ago all your posts were present. All of them up to October 29th are missing!!! Since it's not possible to add or delete posts since they terminated the forum without notice to members this deletion has to be an inside job? I'm not aware of anyone citing OUR joint work, certainly not I myself. I do note that all comments are no longer present. My memory will serve you well Marni. My interest was aroused by David Wark's comments, a paradigm change in physics. As a consequence of my interest in the dark matter blog posts I noticed your calculations of the pertinent eV predicted masses. Ev energies aren't common language for most scientists. What intrigued me was that that the first generation masses , whether normal or inverted hierarchy(now known almost certainly to be normal)were similar to some of the DM masses I was studying. I remember wondering what their pair production temperatures would be. So I crunched numbers into the equations and kept coming up with 2.737 Kelvin. I checked with electron positron pair production temperatures and lo and behold I immediately realised the astounding significance of it to cosmology. My first reaction was that it was a hoax. I read Carl Brannen's paper and mulled over his calculations for 3 or 4 days. If this was a hoax it was was a very elaborate hoax indeed. My voluminous posts soon followed. These were challenged strongly and even rubbished. Within a week or two? your first posts arrived like a breath of fresh air. When we tried to publish the results I contacted two of the cosmologists who earlier in their careers who had supported the Steady State theory and we heard from Canadian editors who basically rubbished our paradigm shift on the implications to cosmology. You did likewise and your decision to publish a joint paper in vixra was very astute. I always said it could take 10 years before this work would be conidered let alone accepted. There's still about 6 months left.
Hello Marni- true I'm now quite old but there is no evidence for dementia and my memory is quite crisp. Infact, I just checked the old galaxy zoo forum. I rarely do so since it basically closed without notice. I can still sign in to view threads and do so perhaps 3 or 4 times a year. If I remember I last checked last month and your posts were all there, starting a few days after my first post on the subject. Yes-it's mysterious and most worrying. A few months ago all your posts were present. All of them up to October 29th are missing!!! Since it's not possible to add or delete posts since they terminated the forum without notice to members this deletion has to be an inside job? I'm not aware of anyone citing OUR joint work, certainly not I myself. I do note that all comments are no longer present. My memory will serve you well Marni. My interest was aroused by David Wark's comments, a paradigm change in physics. As a consequence of my interest in the dark matter blog posts I noticed your calculations of the pertinent eV predicted masses. Ev energies aren't common language for most scientists. What intrigued me was that that the first generation masses , whether normal or inverted hierarchy(now known almost certainly to be normal)were similar to some of the DM masses I was studying. I remember wondering what their pair production temperatures would be. So I crunched numbers into the equations and kept coming up with 2.737 Kelvin. I checked with electron positron pair production temperatures and lo and behold I immediately realised the astounding significance of it to cosmology. My first reaction was that it was a hoax. I read Carl Brannen's paper and mulled over his calculations for 3 or 4 days. If this was a hoax it was was a very elaborate hoax indeed. My voluminous posts soon followed. These were challenged strongly and even rubbished. Within a week or two? your first posts arrived like a breath of fresh air. When we tried to publish the results I contacted two of the cosmologists who earlier in their careers who had supported the Steady State theory and we heard from Canadian editors who basically rubbished our paradigm shift on the implications to cosmology. You did likewise and your decision to publish a joint paper in vixra was very atute. I always said it could take 10 years before this work would be conidered let alone accepted. There's still about 6 months left. I am not aware of anyone, yet, giving credit to either one of us Marni. There was much support for the phlogiston theory until Lavoisier came along Marni.
Hello Marni. It's extremely difficult to contact you and receive an email reply. Microsoft windows 10 are making it exceedingly difficult this January in trying to force us (a few friends I've checked with have the same problems)to use microsoft edge etc; Blocking firefox ,even explorer and making it almost impossible to reset to default values. Do have an email address, or local address for snail mail even. I do send one liners on occasion so I don't believe I'm hacked at this end. Often I can't do a google search as they block it. In the conventional big bang/inflation model all particles are present in the bath and the massenergy is matter dominated!Why? Because all the antimatter baryons haven't yet annihilated. The baryon(quark) asymmetry mystery arises because particle antipartice annihilation reheats this 10^-34 sec event to give the 10^9 photons ber baryon(we observe today); the mystery is transposed now to the photon/baryon asymmetry. Ditto charged leptons. The neutrinos aren't massless ever even here in the earliest early universal pinprick. The mystery is resolved in our model. Note that the conventional model fails to answer the where and when of antimatter residence, the fact that later expansion contravenes th 2nd law and fails to restore parity in that it is a left hand chiral standard model. With neutron degeneracy pressure , the important thing is not the "neutrino star" business; we are talking about a universal mass that is order 10^54Kg NASA increased the number of galaxies 10fold last year from ultra deep field studies. Forget the 10^80 prons business of yore. The gravitational collapse of the neutral uncharged leptons should lead(evolve) to electon pair instability in collapsing "clouds" ; resembling the very rare type of hypernovas with zero metallicity (there are no baryons yet). Mathematically this start to the earliest universe would be a ca. 200 solar mass of uncharged leptons condensing to create L and R electrons and antielectrons(positrons)of odd and even parity. This rare type of hypernova and the fact that 50% of its mass enery disappears leads me to think that they are of the order days GamaRay Bursts from cosmological distance (billions ly distance). This first "star" of ca. 200solar mass is described by U1*SU(2). SU(3) hasn't evolved yet; it takes another 1-2 of our seconds before the first LR even/odd parity "proton." is created. In the conventional bb all protons/neutrons are present at the earliest time but of Lchirality only. The baryon asymmetry gives rise to the multiverse claptrap. From Birkhoff's theorem the second "star" breaks the symmetry, one might claim the evolution of SU(3)has broken the symmetry that leads to the deSitter universe and the start of times clock and direction. This universe is an evolving one of mass initially only ca. 200 solar mass, that doubles. I went through Cohl's videos- two sets of an 8 dimensional model for leptons; 2fold 64 for the L chiral model. I have no problems with an R standard model and another doubling for parity. Thus, the black hole where 50% mass energy of the first "star" is the sequestration of LR antimatter and even parity. At the present day there should be 10^20 antibhs.! 1m^3 of spacetime has a mass energy ca. 9.1 *10^-31kg (not einstein's free space of zero energy). During the lifetime of the sun ca 5billion years calculate the rate and loss of spacetime in m^3 and kg equiv. Does the curvture of spacetime by the presence of matter infact be better represented by the destructiion of spacetime? and its creation in the voids. Now I wish you good health Marni. Please persevere. We may be doomed like Prometheus before us, but we will win out eventually, most likely by my own demise. all my fond regards Graham
Toggle Commented Jan 21, 2018 on Orwell meets the Devil 2 at Arcadian Gravity
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Jan 21, 2018