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Righteous Isthelord
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I have also worked in the OR and observed this type of behavior. I have no answer for this poor nurse, but Harvard surgeon Lucian Leape often gives talk about the "culture of disrespect" that infests healthcare and would not be acceptable in any other industry. He also states that a minority of bad actors are responsible. This cardiothoracic surgeon exemplifies what Dr. Leape tells us about, but of course Dr. Gooser is a hack and couldn't hold a candle to Dr. Leape and his skills.
Another Asshole Infested Hospital
As I've written, I first saw how abusive hospitals could be -- especially surgeons working in the operating room -- when my collage Dan Denison spent a week observing a team of operating room nurses in the early 1980's. The worst actions we were by a surgeon we dubbed Dr.Gooser. And I was writ...
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Apr 2, 2018
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