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Sean Lynch
Alexandria, VA
Sean Lynch is the Legislative and Public Affairs Manager for the Association for Career and Technical Education. He handles ACTE's press communications, grassroots involvement efforts and federal legislation affecting the CTE community.
Recent Activity
This week, the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee held a hearing to consider legislation affecting veterans’ benefits. Executive Director LeAnn Wilson submitted testimony encouraging action on a bill to allow veterans greater access to postsecondary CTE. Continue reading
ACTE will review the new regulations to determine their impact on the CTE community as the new law goes into effect. Continue reading
Several education and workforce stakeholders (including ACTE) have responded to the first major step in the Perkins reauthorization process - learn more about what they had to say. Continue reading
A compilation of resources, tools and communications that may be helpful in ESSA implementation. This post will be updated with additional materials as they become available, so please check back often! Continue reading
A compilation of resources, tools and communications that may be helpful in WIOA implementation. This post will be updated with additional materials as they become available, so please check back often! Continue reading
The ApprenticeshipUSA State Expansion Grants will award 33 grants to states in order to help expand and integrate apprenticeship opportunities, including through connections with education and workforce systems. Continue reading
Of the more than 640 schools from across the country that entered the competition, 10 high schools were awarded a $20,000 grant to create “makerspaces” to enhance their CTE programs. Continue reading
The grants were awarded to 14 public private partnerships nationwide to support job training programs and associated support services for families under the “Strengthening Working Families Initiative.” Continue reading
The priorities include empowering state and local community leaders through program flexibility, streamlining reporting requirements and ensuring alignment with local labor market demands. Continue reading
Tell your Senators to support amendment #4479 to ensure America’s heroes have access to the full scope of educational opportunities. Continue reading
Salt Lake Community College President Deneece Huftalin joined a panel of experts to share with congressional staff the need for federal policies, including Perkins and the Higher Education Act, to effectively support postsecondary students. Continue reading
Thank you all for your comments - it's great to hear the positive examples of how CTE is preparing your students for college- and career-success! We at ACTE understand the importance of overcoming outdated misconceptions about the opportunities available through CTE classrooms, and we appreciate your reading our work, sharing with your colleagues and getting involved with the conversation!
ACTE has assembled several new fact sheets to support our members in understanding how the Every Student Succeeds Act will affect CTE students and programs. Continue reading
In the letter, Wilson said that, "CTE and preparation for postsecondary success are not mutually exclusive – in fact, they are deeply intertwined." Continue reading
The House Education and the Workforce Committee held a hearing on reauthorization of the Perkins Act - the first such hearing in 2016! Continue reading
Educators from Eleva, Wisconsin, visited Washington, D.C., to share their strategies for delivering engaging work-based learning in their CTE programs through an innovative, student-run manufacturing business. Continue reading
2015 ACTE New Teacher of the Year Eric Mathews was recognized by President Obama in an event to honor great educators from across the country. Continue reading
On Wednesday, May 4, the U.S. Department of Education announced the 160 members of the 52nd class of U.S. Presidential Scholars. Continue reading
ACTE is working with our partners on Capitol Hill to ensure that CTE is available to all returning veterans so they can prepare for their future. Continue reading
The new competitive grant program will provide funds to create and expand partnerships between employers and community colleges or other community-based job training organizations. Continue reading
The story outlined the growing sentiment on Capitol Hill that now may be the time to reauthorize the program, and featured commentary from policymakers and education advocates including ACTE. Continue reading
The authors detail the need for greater emphasis on CTE to prepare more students for promising careers in growing industries, and identify strategies for building the CTE enterprise moving forward. Continue reading
Story draws attention to the critical connections among our national economy, the skills gap and the opportunities available in CTE programs. Continue reading
ACTE supports the Making Education Affordable and Accessible Act, which will open new doors to students pursuing the education they need for college- and career-success. Continue reading
24 states and the District of Columbia will each receive a $100,000 grant to assess the effectiveness and opportunities for growth in their CTE programs through the New Skills for Youth initiative. Continue reading