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Cynthia Chow
Kaneohe, Hawaii
Hawaiian Librarian, book hoarder.
Interests: Motorcycles, books, comic books, comic book movies.
Recent Activity
Today begins the American Library Association's annual Banned Book Week, a week of promoting librarians' advocacy for freedom of information and access to books. This also includes challenged books, which are those that some group or individual has deemed too... Continue reading
This year, the American Library Association celebrates Banned Books on September 27, 2015. Even in this age of information, where movies are pirated, tweets captured for infinity the second they appear and are deleted, and criminals record and post their... Continue reading
Our library system has a category of books designated as "Classics," meaning all of those books that are considered to be the iconic fundamentals of great literature. However, in my library a far wiser librarian than myself re-catalogued those books... Continue reading
After watching yet another local news report on how the homeless are overrunning the libraries (air conditioning, free Internet, and apparently a surplus of YouTube videos available for viewing), I was left once again with the impression that the general... Continue reading
Realistically, I have had to face a brutal purge. I still regret some of the books that I donated to my library, and I seriously have to stop myself from getting them back. But I ended up also making a trip to Walmart for more shelves. I would suggest eliminated a house member in order to take his/her room, or building on an addition. Sears has some cute outdoor tool sheds that could easily be converted into a cozy library for your backyard...
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I don't have a book collecting problem. I could stop any time that I wanted. I just don't want to. When it comes to weeding out books in the library, I am ruthless. Hasn’t circulated in two years? Gone. Foxing... Continue reading
By the time this has posted, I will have accompanied seven other women to see the sequel to the docudrama by acclaimed filmmaker Steven Soderbergh, “Magic Mike XXL.” The male stripper movie. We are a group of women of varied... Continue reading
In honor of Father's Day, I would like to pay tribute to all of the ways my father changed my life without my ever really noticing. My dad was the traditional, work all day, go jogging (okay, not so traditional),... Continue reading
So, when the trailers started appearing for Cameron Crowe's new film, "Aloha," the general reaction here was "There's a movie out that was made in Hawaii? When did that happen?" Considering that there is a State Office specifically designed to... Continue reading
Never let it be said that the libraries aren't willing to jump on the bandwagon and follow a trend! This year, the American Library Association's Collaborative Summer Reading Programs themes are all about the superheroes. So whether you are a... Continue reading
As I was attempting to do some spring cleaning (five minutes, tops), I discovered a trove of some of my favorite mysteries. One was a series by Cynthia Smith, featuring the very rich, very beautiful “private resolver” Emma Rhodes, who... Continue reading
Okay, yes. I am one of those rather horrified viewers who, after eleven seasons (three that were really good) and ten years, saw McDreamy literally get his plugged pulled on Grey's Anatomy. As the showrunner and creator, Shonda Rhimes, has... Continue reading
1. It’s April. 2. I seem to have forgotten to have little dependents running around. 3. I am a procrastinator. One plus two plus 3 equals that I am a mess, and I just realized that I will be a... Continue reading
Every year in January, we see them come into the library. Holding a deluxe, super-bubble protected, and reinforced leatherbound e-reader. In December, thoughtful children decide that the perfect gift for their traveling, book-loving parents is an e-reader that allows them... Continue reading
Somewhat. The first Asian-led cast of a television show in twenty years (even I thought All-American Girl was terrible) has been more or less well received, despite its inspiration basically smack-talking before it even premiered. Based on the memoir of... Continue reading
When it was announced that Marvel and ABC would be creating a spinoff of Captain America spotlighting Agent Peggy Carter, I…sort of cheered? Fans had been hoping for a Black Widow solo outing, or any female superhero feature, but at... Continue reading
It’s February 15th, just after my favorite holiday of the year! Friday the 13th! While there is a plethora of sweet love stories available, in the spirit of wallowing in my anti-romantic sentiments, I prefer my romantic tales to be... Continue reading
Hollywood has never met an old idea that it didn’t try to make new again, but this past year they’ve managed to do it surprisingly well. A good number of the 2015 Oscar nominated films were based on books, and... Continue reading
Living in Hawaii means that we don’t have blizzards that cut power and force shut-ins for weeks on end (why do people live on the East Coast at all?), but that doesn’t mean that we escape the seasonal flus that... Continue reading
As a general rule, I do not make New Year’s Resolutions. I mean, chances are that I wouldn’t even remember them by February (Imaginary Resolution #1: Work on memory skills). Traditions are traditions though, and since I am completely spineless... Continue reading
Ah, Christmastime. Every year it approaches earlier and earlier, often bypassing Halloween entirely to swoop in right after Labor Day. What used to be a slow burn of tingly hopefulness has become the anxiety of facing down combative shoppers, the... Continue reading
Thanks, Jessy. Yes, we have many of those comics you mentioned and they are great. I just have a geeky love of superhero comics. Believe it or not, though, even our Archie comics still are popular! Manga is huge here as well, and we have an annual Kawaii-Kon that is a Comic Con for manga. It's just not something I can get into.
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Nov 17, 2014