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Cathy Genna
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When I wrote not necessary; my meaning was the comment wasn't necessary to add.
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The meaning of “eve·ry·thing” all things; all the things of a group or class. The current situation; life in general. With so much hatred, crime, and vilence going on in the world today, everything becomes of importance; a great deal.... Continue reading
Christmas Day has past and after spending a day filled with family and friends engrossed in conversations and sharing good food, it's time for the New Year's resolutions to unfold. Besides DIET placed at the top of the list I... Continue reading
The month of October in my family is known as "It's All About Nomi". Today we will be at the Historic Towne of Smithville New Jersey taking part in the annual Pet Halloween Costume Parade. Yes, I am THAT pet... Continue reading
Whole Foods announces that it will stop selling rabbit meat. Rabbits in my home are hippity hoppitying! A year ago Whole Foods started a pilot program offering rabbit meat at selected stores across the country, citing customer demand, but this... Continue reading
Whatcha doin on Tuesday night at 7:00pm? Why not experience Murder, Mayhem, and the Madame Sleuths bookclub discuss the monthly mystery pick "The Tempest" by James Lilliefors. We are a live bookclub community of steadfast mystery readers. Feed them and... Continue reading
Last week The Romance Writers of America held their annual conference in New York City at the Marriott, Times Square. During the week there are educational seminars, librarian & bookseller luncheons, and their prestigious RITA Awards ceremony. Winning a RITA... Continue reading
Goodreads is simply one website for you to post a personalized book review. It is one of the few websites that permit a review to be posted prior to the release of an upcoming book. In theory the positive reviews... Continue reading
Today we celebrate the Adoption of the Declaration of INDEPENDENCE DAY. Happy 4th of July everyone! Whether you are partying at the beach with your family and friends, taking in a baseball game eating hot dogs and drinking a beer,... Continue reading
My Bookclub is reading Laura Bradford's "Suspendered Sentence" this month. Personally I am growing fond of how the Amish live their life. Most are very hard working, eat what they grow, take care of each other, and do without electric... Continue reading
Today the sun is shinning and there are a lot of happy faces here in Milwaukee Wisconsin. This morning I am headed to the Hotel's convention room to enjoy keynote speaker, author Tess Gerristsen. Tess's novels featuring homicide detective Jane... Continue reading
I chair a mystery bookclub that meets once a month. The group was started last November 2014 and has increased in size each month! I started the mystery bookclub because I personally enjoy mysteries and I felt there are more... Continue reading
Everywhere you look you will find a book close at hand. In my car’s trunk, under car seats, car glove box, bookshelves, closets, tote bags, the bathroom, coffee tables, nightstands, in dressers under clothes, and that’s not including the 700... Continue reading
SNOW , used as a noun it is atmospheric water vapor frozen into ice crystals and falls in light white flakes or is lying on the ground as a white layer (that continues to get higher). When used as verb... Continue reading
Typepad HTML Email Good morning Kathleen, Sorry to respond after the weekend, thank you for the response and THANK YOU for Loving Brinker! Obviously he was well taken care living to be 16. I attached a picture for you of my Taylor and his toys. He had a twin brother which is rare in rabbits and to watch them was priceless. Everything they did together was side by side- Also I think you would get a kick out of this video clip ofmy rabbits If you are in the area ever let me know I would love to talk with you. Oh send me a picture of brinker when you get a chance. Stay warm, Cathy Genna Community Business Development Manager Barnes Noble, Inc. Brunswick Square Mall 753 Route 18 East Brunswick, NJ 08816 m (732) 432-4089 s (732) 432-0100 f (732) 432-9559 [email protected]
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For those of you who know don’t know me, besides my passion for reading my other passion in life is domestic rabbits. I share my home and daily life with them and pride myself in being the voice they do... Continue reading
We sing it every year to the young and old no matter what language we speak the “Happy Birthday” song. Ever wonder where the Happy Birthday song originated from? Two sisters, who were born in 1868 and later became educators,... Continue reading
What do Laura Bradford, Elizabeth Lynn Casey, Mary McHugh, Adam Mitzner and Wallace Stroby have in common, besides writing mysteries? Well I will tell you. Wednesday March 11 at 7:00pm I am so excited to announce our discussion and booksigning... Continue reading
We all care about reading and writing, passion, education and dreams. My employer Barnes & Noble embraces the foundation of our great schools and their dedicated teachers. In March all Barnes & Noble stores will celebrate their local teachers. Teachers... Continue reading
Hello All, This is a real honor to be taking part in Hey, There’s a Dead Guy in the Living Room blog. Today I want to introduce myself to you- I am the Community Relations Manager for the Barnes &... Continue reading
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Dec 5, 2014