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Debbie Barna
Recent Activity
Jeanne, Thanks so much for hosting each week and for your visits!! Hugs, Deb
Jeanne, Thanks so much for the party each week!! Hugs, Debbie
Jeanne, Thanks so much for hosting!! Hugs, Deb
YEAH, Jeanne!! I was finally able to comment on your blog!! Thanks so much for picking up our dear friend Sally's Blue Monday and keeping her alive in our hearts through her Blue Monday party!! Hugs, Deb
Toggle Commented Aug 1, 2016 on BLUE MONDAY - VACATION FUN at Backyard Neighbor
Jeanne, Thanks so much for hosting!! Hugs Debbie
Toggle Commented Aug 1, 2016 on BLUE MONDAY - VACATION FUN at Backyard Neighbor
Jeanne, Thanks so much for stopping by!! I linked up my Easter Tree which has some blue on it! Thanks for taking over our Sally's party. I will link up whenever I have something blue to post.. Hugs, Deb
Toggle Commented Mar 14, 2016 on HOSTING BLUE MONDAY at Backyard Neighbor
Debbie Barna is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 6, 2015