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Scott Crosson
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Hmmm, I just reviewed for a journal that also had the 3 week expectation. And I was overdue of course, although my reminder looks a little different than yours. DMing you on Twitter... Yeah 3 weeks is nuts.
Toggle Commented Jun 8, 2017 on Another referee rant at Environmental Economics
1 reply
My brain just exploded reading these posts.
1 reply
ha! They were actually pretty evenhanded. Fellows have to do a seminar every month on the progress of their research, and the rule was "you own the first 5m, after that you own whatever you can defend". And they came at us with knives...I remember a fellow being told that his paper looked like a corporate press release.
1 reply
"Free Market Environmentalism played a key role in my early thinking about Coase and environmental economics too. My conclusion was that free market solutions wouldn't work." I was a PERC graduate fellow back in 1995 and reached the same conclusion by the end of my fellowship. I don't think that's what Terry intended.
1 reply
Oh, the Marlins do that for most home games.
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Not sure Elsevier doesn't count as "predatory" although I know what you mean.
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Am I the only person who starts his reviews by saying something positive? Seriously, people put effort to writing and research. Even if I don't think it should be accepted, I recognize that there are human beings who will be receiving this.
Toggle Commented Mar 11, 2015 on Only two? at Environmental Economics
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Mar 11, 2015