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Dan Weathers
Recent Activity
Nice Job, LB. This is classic
Happy 100th Birthday, Lady Day
On April 7th, 1915, in Philadelphia General Hospital, Eleanor Fagan or Harris or Gough or Holiday (depending on which biography you read) was born. She died 44 years later as the incomparable Billie Holiday. Stretching from the late 1930s to the end of the 1950s, Lady Day as she was known,...
Call me! (laughing)
Fever - Spring and Otherwise
Bright skies and warmer weather bring something called Spring Fever. It’s a condition of the mind which causes you to crave moonlight walks, warm embraces, soft songs and a deep gaze into someone’s eyes. This malady can be traced way back, but I want to take you back to a jazzy origin. Whe...
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Mar 12, 2015
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