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"What I enjoyed most was that Gigaom did NOT try to go after views with click-bait headlines or other gimmicks. They tried to just give us solid news with context."
This reminds me of something someone told me when I was trying to pitch an album of music 20 years ago:
- "What's great is that it doesn't sound like anyone else."
- "What's bad is that it doesn't sound like anyone else."
To transfer and project:
- What's great was that GigaOm was quality content without today's link bait headlines.
- Unfortunately with all the noise out there, you apparently NEED link bait headlines.
Goodbye, Gigaom - So Long And Thanks For All The News!
This one hurts. There have been many failures in the tech media industry, but the death of Gigaom is one that hurts. The word started filtering out early last week from people such as Mathew Ingram: This hurts more than I can say: I was just told Gigaom is shutting down -- it has run out of mo...
randulo is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 16, 2015
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