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Tracy Mason
Recent Activity
I do not have the event yet.I am up to date, but nothing. My coop has it. I am having real difficulties with the new chat. I have missing chat messages, the messages are difficult to read because scrolling from the bottom. The chat jumps back to the top which is really old messages and I constantly have to try an scroll down. Which when a new message is posted it umps back to the top. The time stamp disappears so I end up posting stuff that was requested and been posted by another member so I get really lost. I am legally blind which means I have very bad eye site. So trying to follow along with the chat moving/jumping is very hard for me. I have force stop, I have removed my game and reinstalled it, (i play on my tablet) I have even tried installing it on my cell phone and I still have the same issue on it as well. - clear
Toggle Commented Mar 3, 2017 on Taste of Ireland at FarmVille 2
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Mar 17, 2015