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John Shore
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The most effective way to handle this would simply be to get the information about this nasty, greedy theft back to the gift-giver AND to his employer. The 'transaction' is almost sure to get back to HER boss as well--she either stole from the named employee, or stole from him. Reputable, honest businesses don't take kindly to such things; This could be your magic moment to get rid of this petty b*tch.
Holiday Hell: Nasty Ass Manager Thief Steals Christmas Gift From Coworker
From: FiestaTaco My coworker works in the warehouse of the company. Now, during the winter months we rent a storage trailer that's backed up to 1 of our 3 receiving bay doors. My coworker regularly deals with one specific employee of the other company. Since it is Christmas time, the storage ...
John Shore is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 2, 2015
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