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We've had people stealing parts from the toilets where I work. Apparently its pretty common as those parts can be fairly expensive, and all people have to do is lift off the top and help themselves.
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Ignore the can see the crease where the l has been folded over.
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My first thought is: do the kids actually WANT these gifts? Sure a pile of presents must be an exciting prospect, but when I was a kid making Christmas lists, there would only be a handful of things I asked for. I know I would much rather get one or two really special gifts than 100 mediocre ones. £1500 divided over 300 gifts is £5, and a fiver doesn't get you very much, even if you are getting discounted items. While I don't think gifts should be judged on how much you spent on them, I certainly know a few kids who wouldn't see things the same way. I guess what I'm saying is I'd rather have quality over quantity, and while I'd never begrudge someone buying me a gift at a steep discount, I get the impression that this woman is buying gifts JUST because they're cheap, not because it's something that the recipient would really love.
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To a person whose language doesn't use the Latin alphabet, or one who is unfamiliar with both those languages, might find German and English indistinguishable. You didn't know the language you called your co-worker ignorant for not recognising until you looked it up. The guy is clearly an idiot, but I'm not sure what baiting him like that is likely to achieve, unless he's completely mended his ways and that was just omitted from the story.
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There seems to be 2 different issues here. It says "an identical" promotion, not the same promotion. At my workplace we may have 2 for £2 on coke, and a separate promotion of 2 for £2 on lucozade. People will try to buy one of each for £2..."they're both 2 for £2", but the discount won't apply. The Sales assistant shouldn't really be passing judgement on the OP's daughter's tastes, and people should be free to wear what they want, regardless of traditional gender roles, but the OP concedes that her daughter may change her tastes as she grows older, and seems more concerned about the money than the discrimination.
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Apr 5, 2015