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"If a person asks you to make a sign that says "Kill all the gays", should we make two?"
That is not a fair comparison, because there is no law that says that people must make these signs - but there are laws about non-discrimination.
This is a difficult concept for many of us to understand - especially if we are over 50 and grew up in an era where Christian values prevailed. Now they are under attack - as they were long ago.
"Bake for them two" is not condoning immoral behavior. It is making the best of being in a difficult situation.
Bake for Them Two?
The author of this blog post claims that when a Christian baker is forced to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding, they should "bake for them two." Is that really what Jesus meant by Matthew 5:41?
shmont is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 10, 2015
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