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Procurement and Category Management
Interests: Procurement, Category Management, Cost Reduction, Training, L&D, Transformation
Recent Activity
Good luck with the recovery, Tom. Hope you've mended and back training?
The lure of a well-turned ankle
Instead of writing this, I should have gone running with the Striders, enjoying the pleasures of the Winter Route or, for non-conformists, the reverse Winter Route. I did not, thanks to an ankle which protested after a long muddy plod ten days ago by swelling up and hurting like anything. It see...
As a training course provider (in category management) we are used to experiencing training cultures as you describe. Metrics are gathered but are getting a little more sophisticated in measuring more than just, who turned up. For example the trainer is often given a score as is course content. A learning culture is difficult to achieve and can only really happen where top management have bought into it and lead thus setting the example. Would be interested in your thoughts, Stephen on how to kick start a learning culture?
Training Culture vs. Learning Culture
What’s the difference between a “training culture” and a “learning culture”? The answer is, “A great deal.” As the chart shows, in a training culture, responsibility for employee learning resides with instructors and training managers. In that kind of culture the assumption is that trainers (und...
Hi Amy, love your SRM sticker cards - they are really lovely. You've inspired me to send one to my colleague who works in procurement at
Breast Cancer Awareness Month Cards :: SRM Stickers
Today at SRM Stickers we are recognizing Breast Cancer Awareness Month with cards made using the wide range of stickers for the cause. Nearly everyone knows of someone who's been touched by this disease. Sadly, it has hit particularly close to home in the SRM Stickers family as one of our own ...
#StopNovartis certainly still seems to have traction. Is there an update on this case somewhere? Lots of pharma procurement info on
CSARN SRM / Novartis draws anti-pharma ire over Indian court case, but others also likely to see protests on 28 March day of action in London
Small-scale protests were conducted by a variety of activist groups in New York City, Cambridge (Massachusetts), Washington DC and Basel (Switzerland) on 22 and 23 Feb to coincide with pharma-giant Novartis’s AGM (held in Basel on 23 Feb). Action was also conducted at the firm’s Horsham, UK si...
Are all STEM imports the same? I think not.
There is a large plus side in allowing the cream of immigrant STEM workers to work. IIT graduates for example are not competition for or replacing the lowest 90% of the US pool of job seekers. It's my view from what I've seen that just two decades ago or so, the first wave of immigrants were much more likely to be of this standard.
It'd be interesting to categorise them:
The majority of the imigrant STEM workers in this day and age however are way different. Most are less sophisticated, less skilled people who test rather than run the programmes. Surely these people are the competition for the jobs applied for by the current US workers?
'How Highly Educated Immigrants Raise Native Wages'
From Vox EU: How highly educated immigrants raise native wages, by Giovanni Peri, Kevin Shih, and Chad Sparber, Vox EU: Immigration to the US has risen tremendously in recent decades. Though media attention and popular discourse often focus on illegal immigrants or the high foreign-born presenc...
Congratulations to George. Is he a procurement and category management expert as well? How's the job going for him a year on? Lots of success I hope.
New Sales Leadership Set for Coty in the US
Posted: January 16, 2014 George Cleary, president of Coty Beauty Americas, announced the appointment of Brian Falcone to the position of senior vice president of sales. Falcone will be overseeing all sales activities for Coty Beauty U.S. mass brands. He will be responsible for field sales...
Sounds great, Joe. Where can I read more about this category management tool?
Scott Blanchardâs ClickBump Engine - Scott Blanchard's ClickBump Engine
Youâre are about to get your hands on the most powerful site publishing system available anywhere and Iâve just updated it with full support for point and click Silo/Category Management. Itâs called ClickBump 5 and Iâve just released the latest version to my memberâs dashboard. How woul...
Has this approach worked since 2009? I'd be really interested in reading a follow up article about this change in procurement focus. Have the recommendations been followed through and have minorities reaped a benefit? Lots of info about this sort of procurement transformation on our website at
Davenport, Iowa, Set to Initiative Affirmative Procurement Program
Following a disparity study that found significant disparities in the City of Davenport's contracting, the City Council plans to create new programs designed to overcome those disparities and level the playing field. From the article: City Administrator Craig Malin said a number of recommendatio...
Has this approach worked since 2009? I'd be really interested in reading a follow up article about this change in procurement focus. Have the recommendations been followed through and have minorities reaped a benefit?
Davenport, Iowa, Set to Initiative Affirmative Procurement Program
Following a disparity study that found significant disparities in the City of Davenport's contracting, the City Council plans to create new programs designed to overcome those disparities and level the playing field. From the article: City Administrator Craig Malin said a number of recommendatio...
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Apr 13, 2015
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