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Dee Fnx
Recent Activity
I love the blues in waikiki no. 5! Would love a print of this in the bedroom.
a framed photograph {giveaway}...(now closed)
One of my favorite photographers and good friend, Max Wanger, sees in a way that I can't even explain. I'm always blown away by his eye and how he captures images on a camera. Today, we have a very special giveaway, and Max is giving away a large framed print (a $700 retail value) to one lucky...
Great pieces! I love the Princess Peplum Umbrellas Tankini top and the Hipster Navy Bottom. =)
Lime Ricki Swimsuit Giveaway!
It's been a few years since I've been ready for a new swimsuit as I skipped a whole summer of swimming while in my first trimester with Smith and then only worked up the courage to venture out in it twice last summer since I was still carrying around most of my pregnancy weight. When Lime Rick...
Great giveaway! I would make hardcover photo books. Most of my photos are in the computer so it would be nice to have them readily available for viewing as photo books.
artifact uprising {giveaway}...(now closed)
One of my favorite things to to give to my mom and my mother-in-law for Mother's Day are gifts that incorporate photos of their grandkids. For years, Artifact Uprising has been my go-to for making beautiful, high-quality photo gifts. So we've partnered with them today to give (1) $500 gift car...
Dee Fnx is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 14, 2015
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