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Michael McCloskey
Recent Activity
Guten Morgen! Well here we are folks! It's the final countdown! The students have been taking the past few days to squeeze in a few more memories while in Berlin. Whether it be an "Escape the Room" challenge, playing ultimate frisbee in the Tiergarten or a visit to Ravensbrück, our... Continue reading
We can’t believe that we only have a week left in the program! Our month in Berlin is certainly flying by! A common theme of this week has been art. Students have encountered it in many unique ways around the city. Coming off of our street art tour around the... Continue reading
Posted Jul 31, 2016 at High School Summer Abroad Blog | CIEE
Greetings from sunny Berlin everyone! The weather has finally begun to warm up. Before I jump into the post I would like to take a moment to address the attacks in Munich that took place on Saturday. Although this is a frightening event Katie and I are committed to making... Continue reading
Posted Jul 26, 2016 at High School Summer Abroad Blog | CIEE
Grüße aus Berlin! As we wrapped up our first week (It is going by so fast!), the students continued to become acquainted with the landscape of the metropolis of Berlin. Students not only took a walking tour of Berlin’s most well-known sights, but also took a look at the lesser... Continue reading
Posted Jul 17, 2016 at High School Summer Abroad Blog | CIEE
It's the final countdown! It's hard to believe almost a month has come and gone here in Berlin! Time truly flies when you're having fun and we have been having a lot of it these past few days here in Berlin! On Thursday, our students got a unique look at... Continue reading
The end of last week had our students rising to new heights... literally! On Thursday, we took a trip to the Siegessäule, or Victory Column, which commemorates the Prussian military victories in the late 19th Century. This monument however provides wonderful views of downtown Berlin and the expansive Tiergarten Park.... Continue reading
After all the traveling and touring in beautiful Dresden our students needed a little relaxation on Monday. After class, students and program leaders took a trip out to the picturesque Wannsee. The Wannsee is one of Berlin's favorite bathing and recreational spots to escape the hustle of the capital city.... Continue reading
This week, students spent more time discovering the locales and people that makes people coming back looking for more! On Monday, the group took a trip out to the Berlin Olympiastadion, These grounds hosted the 1936 Berlin Olympics and the Stadium itself is now the home of the German soccer... Continue reading
Posted Jul 23, 2015 at High School Summer Abroad Blog | CIEE
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Apr 23, 2015