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Tina Koyama
Recent Activity
Mutual curiosity between artist and model is always a good thing! :-) - Tina
What a fascinating process analysis, Roz! And also so interesting that the sheep posed for you! I did find the sheep and pigs to be cooperative that way (the chickens not so much). Tina
Wow, I'm impressed and amazed by your process and your continual quest for experimentation that makes the materials search important. I, too, like to experiment, but at a place like the fair, I try to balance that with simplicity of materials. I also have to balance all of that with allowing time to eat deep-fried Snickers bars. ;-) It's almost time! See you Saturday! Tina
You'll see me there -- possibly both days!! I'm so excited! Tina
Fantastic and thought-provoking post, Roz -- thank you. You're right, no one talks about it. Imagine if we'd done all this starting in our 20s. Some things, like flexibility, would be so much easier to maintain rather than to try to get back. Which brings me to the point of this comment: Don't forget yoga/stretching -- invaluable for retaining flexibility, strength and balance. Tina
I just discovered these pens a few months ago and have really grown to like the resilient yet expressive tips. Some of the non-hairy (as I like to call them) brush pens get mushed down really quickly, but these stay firm until the ink is gone. Tina
Enjoy your ductless! We got a ductless system last year and have been so happy! We don't need it much in the summer, but once in a while we get temps in the 80s and 90s even in Seattle, and it's wonderful then. But I really use it a lot all the rest of the year for heating individual rooms! So much more efficient then heating the whole house, and so much quieter than space heaters. Will look forward to hearing about your epiphanies! Tina
Tina Koyama is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 23, 2015