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This type of post is starting to get a bit annoying. It's misinformation, and nonsense for the most part. Is the next post going to be about dihydrogen oxide?
Toggle Commented Oct 29, 2016 on Horrifying Products: Rust at Retail Hell Underground
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In Canada there is actually legislation called the Scanning Code of Practice that does require retailers to give an item below $10.00 free if the wrong price rings up and if the item is over $10.00, then they get $10.00 off. The barcode must be the same so if the wrong sign was over the wrong item, the store has no responsibility to honour it.
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Interesting fact. In Canada, if an old sale tag is left up the customer gets the product free if it is under $10.00 or if over $10.00 gets $10.00 off the correct price. Yes, they actually legislated this. That said, how clever do you have to be to understand Monday is not part of week-END?
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It drives me crazy when people rush to get a shift covered when they knew prior to a schedule being posted that they had plans. Newsflash, this is what booking off is for. I will pick up an extra shift, switch shifts, etc as it suits me but when I say no, I mean it and I will NEVER cover for someone again if they guilt trip me or pester me after I've said no. But then, I'm a bitch like that.
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Apr 29, 2015