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Jamie Jensen
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It would be very helpful if res ipsa shared with us who he or she is. It will help members of our community continue an open and thoughtful conversation about our school budget, the district's fiscal integrity and our community's commitment to a public education that serves all its children -
To be clear, I refute Ispa's primary claim. There have been dozens of meetings all over town and many, many folks who have availed themselves of these opportunities to ask questions and exam the entire budget book that was adopted last month. There has been no lack of transparency.
For those readers who might be confused, please remember that special education services are mandated by federal law and are fixed costs based on numbers of students and their individual education plans. There are currently 318 special education students in Rye. Dr. Alvarez, our school superintendent published a column on this very topic in a recent issue of Rye Record - please read this thorough and transparent explanation. And then decide if you agree with the anonymous IPSA.
As a community, as parents, as grandparents, and as educators- we all worry and question whether we are doing enough for our children and by extension our neighbor's children. That is what makes us human. We care deeply for our young people and should advocate for them tirelessly. I plan to vote YES on May 19 because I think on balance our schools are doing a damn good job for them.
Bob Zahm: Stop the School Budget Scare Tactics
Today Ridgewood Drive resident Bob Zahm, former member of the Rye Board of Education, speaks out on the upcoming budget vote. (PHOTO: Bob Zahm at a joint Board of Ed and City Council meeting in 2010.) By Bob Zahm Have you seen the list? You know, the list of Elementary school people who we’re...
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May 13, 2015
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