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Jennifer Anderson (Actor)
Brooklyn, NY
Interests: Barbell training, feral cats, knitting.
Recent Activity
Fully funded by the FDA. By Jennifer Anderson (actor/singer/pharmaceutical rep) Crazytown friends, I recently wrapped up an amazing class at the Magnet Theater called Video Creation Level 1. Led by director, writer, and producer Joe Whelski, I (along with 8 other awesome fledgling filmmakers) wrote, directed, shot, and produced our own scripts over the course of 2 months. So today, I'd like to present my final, finished product: "NEW DRUG." Hope you enjoy it! Special thanks to my actors Manu Menon, Rachael Shaffer, and Garrit Guadan. And additional special thanks to for providing the soundtrack. JENNIFER ANDERSON is an... Continue reading
Posted Mar 9, 2017 at Crazytown
Because now is as good a time as any to learn the new national language. By Jennifer Anderson (actor/singer/девушка) Last week on MSNBC, California representative Maxine Waters sat down with Chris Hayes and the rest of the nation for some good, old fashioned Tea Time. Since the Kremlin Klan has already influenced elections, probably won the Patriots the Super Bowl again and gave the Best Picture Oscar to La La Land, we're not that far away from having to learn the Cyrillic alphabet like Mr. Garrison had to learn the Canadian one. So why not beat the rush and start... Continue reading
Posted Mar 2, 2017 at Crazytown
...just ask me and I'll tell you about that. By Jennifer Anderson (Actor/Singer/Body Beatboxer) Crazytown, I've been feeling very uninspired this week. I tried to crap out another Super Shitty sketch (get it?), but to no avail. Writers' block damn you, you evil mistress. So to keep you entertained, I've decided to share one of my favorite podcast clips with you all today: It's Kyle Dunnigan and his amazing body rapping skills from the sadly defunct Professor Blastoff. Enjoy! JENNIFER ANDERSON is an actor and singer living in Brooklyn. Just ask her about her body rap. EMAIL HIM/HER |... Continue reading
Posted Feb 23, 2017 at Crazytown
Or, Jennifer attempts to get her ass in gear. By Jennifer Anderson (actor/singer/writer when she has a deadline) Crazytown, it's time for me to admit my failings as a burgeoning sketch writer. One of the first rules of starting to do this thing is to, simply, write. And write. And write some more. And write a lot more. And at that, I am terrible. Unless I have someone standing over me, or a group to hold me accountable, or a gun to my head, I can't ever sit down and barf out even the shittiest of sketches. I'll be inspired... Continue reading
Posted Feb 16, 2017 at Crazytown
New and exciting changes to your public school education, courtesy of your new secretary. By Jennifer Anderson (actor/singer/I can barely joke about this anymore) This Tuesday, Billionaire Betsy DeVos was named the Secretary of Education in an historic senate vote. Hey, kids! You too can be whatever you want to be when you grow up. Just make sure you have a shit ton of money. As expected, the nation's public schools will start to see some changes in its required curriculum. These anticipated changes include: -Mastery of home economics (girls only) -Master of Grizzly target practice using AR-15's (boys only)... Continue reading
Posted Feb 9, 2017 at Crazytown
From the January 27th edition of the Los Angeles Times By Jennifer Anderson (actor/singer/...guys is this really happening?) Hello there, Crazytown. I spent all this week immersed in news updates, trying to come to grips with what has happened in our nation over the last week. I tried to come up with some witty idea for an article, a sardonic knife to jab in the sides of Trump and his cronies- but I'm at a loss. I'm sad. I'm scared. So instead, I'm going to share an article by Ray Richmond of the Los Angeles Times. I never thought I'd... Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2017 at Crazytown
Because if the POTUS doesn't have to pay taxes, why should you? By Jennifer Anderson (actor/singer/totally willing to share my tax returns because I'm a law abiding citizen) Last Sunday, Kellyanne Conway gifted us all a brand spanking new phrase to add to our "Living in the Age of Trump" lexicon: Since we have a commander and chief who is the first in recent history (read: 45 years) to not only refuse to release his tax returns, but who refused to release them during his campaign, then said he would after an audit, and then oops changed his mind again... Continue reading
Posted Jan 26, 2017 at Crazytown
Because self care is important when the world is imploding around you. By Jennifer Anderson (actor/singer/fake news enthusiast) Ladies and gentlemen of Crazytown, tomorrow marks a day of fear and mourning for the vast majority of this country. All of our efforts- physical, mental, political, spiritual- have not been enough to combat the shady ass shit that got a giant orange colored moth ball the highest office in the land. But just like death and taxes, Inauguration Day is upon us and we are left with the biggest insult to our collective intelligence ever: Donald Trump is our president. However,... Continue reading
Posted Jan 19, 2017 at Crazytown
Rest in peace, Carrie Fisher By Jennifer Anderson (Actor/Singer/Part of the Rebel Alliance) When I moved to the city in 2009, one of the first shows I saw on Broadway was Carrie Fisher’s one-woman tour de force “Wishful Drinking,” based on her book of the same name. I went with one of my best friends Lauren, and we laughed so hard and loved it so much that we went back for a second time, right before it closed in the beginning of 2010. I’d always loved her as the quintessential sci-fi princess, but what “Wishful Drinking” and her other hilarious... Continue reading
Posted Dec 29, 2016 at Crazytown
The fourth in a series of how not to be an asshole for the rest of 2016. By Jennifer Anderson (Actor/Singer/Setting fire to the last remaining garbage pile of 2016) Happy December, Crazytown. I think you'll agree with me when I say that I'm happy to see 2016, a year full of trials and tribulations, finally draw to a close. But 2016 isn't done yet. We still have a few days left, and leave it up to this crazy year to let even more shit hit the fan before it finally dies with a colossal void of its bowels. Despite... Continue reading
Posted Dec 22, 2016 at Crazytown
The third in a series of how not to be an asshole for the rest of 2016. By Jennifer Anderson (Actor/Singer/Setting fire to the last remaining garbage pile of 2016) Happy December, Crazytown. I think you'll agree with me when I say that I'm happy to see 2016, a year full of trials and tribulations, finally draw to a close. But 2016 isn't done yet. We still have a full 31 days left, and leave it up to this crazy year to let even more shit hit the fan before it finally dies with a colossal void of its bowels.... Continue reading
Posted Dec 15, 2016 at Crazytown
The second in a series of how not to be an asshole for the rest of 2016. By Jennifer Anderson (Actor/Singer/Setting fire to the last remaining garbage pile of 2016) Happy December, Crazytown. I think you'll agree with me when I say that I'm happy to see 2016, a year full of trials and tribulations, finally draw to a close. But 2016 isn't done yet. We still have a full 31 days left, and leave it up to this crazy year to let even more shit hit the fan before it finally dies with a colossal void of its bowels.... Continue reading
Posted Dec 8, 2016 at Crazytown
The first in a series of how not to be an asshole for the rest of 2016. By Jennifer Anderson (Actor/Singer/Setting fire to the last remaining garbage pile month of this year) Happy December, Crazytown. I think you'll agree with me when I say that I'm happy to see 2016, a year full of trials and tribulations, finally draw to a close. But 2016 isn't done yet. We still have a full 31 days left, and leave it up to this crazy year to let even more shit hit the fan before it finally dies with a colossal void of... Continue reading
Posted Dec 1, 2016 at Crazytown
Alcohol and disenchantment make wonderful bedfellows. By Jennifer Anderson (Actor/Singer/full on turkey and political malaise) Listen, Crazytown, let's not beat around the George W. Bush (GOD I NEVER THOUGHT THIS WOULD BE RELEVANT): 2016 has been one of the shittiest years on record. It's the year we lost Prince, Bowie, and America as we know it. But as we keep trying to get through to our state senators to oppose...well Christ, EVERYTHING at this point...we should not forget that the best holiday of the year has set itself calmly and quietly on our doorstep. It crept up on us during... Continue reading
Posted Nov 24, 2016 at Crazytown
"Now find your team. And get to work." By Jennifer Anderson (Actor/Singer/Running for Senate in 2018 because why not) Well Crazytown, here we are. One week into a reality that not many of us here in New York were willing to accept as a possibility. I have to admit, I never really did. There was a pit in the depths of my stomach about it, there was that nagging voice about not counting your chickens before they hatched, but if I’m really being honest with myself, I didn’t think the words “President Trump” would be anything but a colossal joke... Continue reading
Posted Nov 17, 2016 at Crazytown
Jen from the past time travels to 2 days after the election. By Jennifer Anderson (Actor/Singer/Watching too much Frequency) ….Hello, anyone out there in Crazytown? Don't mind me, just trying not to see anything on CNN right now. Jen here, your friendly Thursday contributor. I’m coming to you from Monday night, article deadline night, on the eve of one the most insane presidential elections in the history of this county. I chose to put myself into a medically induced coma at midnight on Tuesday until now, Thursday morning, when I greet you all with my usual witty commentary on very... Continue reading
Posted Nov 10, 2016 at Crazytown
How to feel like an elite endurance athlete when you’re basically just a pile of human refuse. By Jennifer Anderson (Actor/Singer/registered for a 5k) This Sunday is the 46th New York City Marathon, and there’s nothing quite like the annual race to motivate the crap out of you. Seeing thousands of people running a distance that killed the first person who tried it (without stopping for beer or donuts or a nap) is enough to make you want to sprint to the local Jack Rabbit, have Connor Flaherty from Boulder, Colorado tell you what pair of Brooks is best for... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2016 at Crazytown
Baby camel + hit Broadway show =______________ By Jennifer Anderson (Actor/Singer/Lover of animals and puns) Crazytown, I know you've been engrossed in election coverage (on SNL and Full Frontal), but I wanted to make sure that a very important piece of news crossed your path that you may have previously missed. I know I did. On May 9, the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago celebrated the birth of a Bactrian Camel. A little over a month later, on International Ungulate Day, the park debut the youngster under his new moniker: ALEXANDER CAMELTON. Just like his country he's young scrappy and... Continue reading
Posted Oct 27, 2016 at Crazytown
...salvation comes in the form of Indian tacos. By Jennifer Anderson (Actor/Singer/Foodie, obviously) When famed West Village jazz club Garage closed last December, I felt as if the final nail in the coffin had been unceremoniously hammered into the once vibrant and eclectic neighborhood. Sure, a walk down Bleeker would still yield finds like John’s Pizza and Rocco’s Pasticceria, but they had started to live in the shadows of the ever present Starbucks', DavidsTeas, and Caliente Cabs. Kneel before thy margarita. Losing the Garage meant losing a piece of West Village history. And when I’d heard rumors that it would... Continue reading
Posted Oct 20, 2016 at Crazytown
...and then motivated. By Jennifer Anderson (Actor/Singer/Off to Rite Aid to pick up her Prozac) The nation waited with much anticipation for last week’s SNL: On top of the fact that our hero Lin-Manuel Miranda was hosting for the first time, we’d all been blindsided with Pussygate and, through clinched fists and angry tears, we needed a little comic relief. And SNL didn’t disappoint. But the real highlight of the evening came later. After the cold open, after the musical guest, this gem of a music video graced our screens. The first time I watched this, I had to pause... Continue reading
Posted Oct 13, 2016 at Crazytown
If my Beats could talk...they'd say "can we play the next damn song already?" By Jennifer Anderson (Actor/Singer/Easily fixated) Crazytown, I get obsessed easily. I fall hard. If it’s a TV show, I watch all the episodes I can find until I finish them all and then start again (I think I’ve seen every “Impractical Jokers” at least 3 times. And Bob’s Burgers? There’s no telling.) If it’s theater, I’ll rush it until I’m out of breath. And if it's music, it plays in my ears on repeat for days. Sometimes weeks. So, I'm taking this opportunity to turn my... Continue reading
Posted Oct 6, 2016 at Crazytown
Appreciating Autumn while still fitting into your skinny jeans. By Jennifer Anderson (Actor/Singer/I'll just take black coffee, thanks.) Did you feel it? That magical shift in the air? That collective unsealing of Space Bags to pull out all the fleece and wool we forgot about when it was over 100 degrees? The click clacking of black Aldo pumps as every work force aged female shoves her way into whatever Starbucks is closest to her office? It is a special time: that time that every girl exits hibernation and uses her acutely attuned olfactory system to sniff out the lifeblood she's... Continue reading
Posted Sep 29, 2016 at Crazytown
m4w (in the darkness) By Jennifer Anderson (actor/singer/on Craig's list) Five years ago, one of my friends from college approached me and a few other alumni with an idea: a show made-up entirely of postings from Missed Connections, the notorious shot-in-the-dark millennial matchmaking tool of Craigslist. I'd never really been on the website before, so at first the idea was a little odd to me. A show where we just read posts about people who had fleeting glances with strangers on the train at rush hour? It seemed a little mundane. Then I did my research. That's when I found... Continue reading
Posted Sep 1, 2016 at Crazytown
Image a lot of work!" - Karlan Judd's The Real Actors of NYC By Jennifer Anderson (actor/singer/friend of new musicals) Crazytown, some of you may remember my best week ever in March. During that artistically fulfilling week, I was part of a reading of a brand spanking new musical by Karlan Judd called The Real Actors of NYC. Loosely based on the real life experiences of my friend Jake, Nick, and myself, The Real Actors of NYC is a satirical look at what actors have to face in the New York musical theater world. It's madcap, campy fun and I'm... Continue reading
Posted Aug 25, 2016 at Crazytown
"Hot enough for ya??" said the 787th person I encountered on Saturday. By Jennifer Anderson (Actor/Singer/melted) Crazytown, this week I'm coming to you from sunny Florida, where it is exactly the same temperature as it was this past Saturday (97,653 degrees with 567% humidity). When I tell people I'm from Florida and then make commentary about the summers of New York City, the response I usually get is "aren't you used to this type of weather? Isn't it always this hot where you're from?" Okay. Here are 2 very crucial factors that separate the kind of heat we experience in... Continue reading
Posted Aug 18, 2016 at Crazytown