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Same here
FarmVille 2: Country Escape "Here Comes The Bride" Updates
Hey Farmers, we’ve heard your feedback on the “Here Comes The Bride” Event and have made some great changes! The Reception Area timer has been reduced to 30-minutes from 3-hours and it will now give out TWO Event items at a time instead of one. If that wasn’t enough, we’ve also given y...
I got the first 3 items but the last 3 times im just getting the glasses which i dont need. Very frustratinhow ard you supposed to finish this event if you cant get the other things.right now i should only need 2 more items
FarmVille 2: Country Escape "Here Comes The Bride" Updates
Hey Farmers, we’ve heard your feedback on the “Here Comes The Bride” Event and have made some great changes! The Reception Area timer has been reduced to 30-minutes from 3-hours and it will now give out TWO Event items at a time instead of one. If that wasn’t enough, we’ve also given y...
Dawn is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 6, 2015
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