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I'm waiting for the first cross polar cruise. That might teach the elite a lesson.
The Arctic is not an adventure playground
Some of you may already have heard about how this year a cruise ship called Crystal Serenity is going to sail the Northwest Passage with more than 1000 guests. Prices range from $22,000 to $121,000 dollars per passenger (drinks included). Here's how the journey is being advertized: Follow in t...
Pardon this unprofessional non-scientist if I'm asking an idiot question. I've been following the Arctic meltdown for 5 years and I'm curious to know this. What year approximately will we see an ice free summer in the Artic Ocean?
What it's all about
Reposted from Peter Sinclair's Climatecrocks blog, a short CBS report that discusses research by Dr. Jennifer Francis linking Arctic warming to the erratic jet stream we’ve seen in recent extreme events: This is one of the reasons why the Arctic is closer to us than we think, and why its sea ic...
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Jun 8, 2015
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