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I cross brand shop every time I in the market for a new truck. I know Chevy is working on the next gen but I assuming the 3 things that knock it out of my selection will still exist (p.s. no one truck is great and no one truck is junk, find the one that fits your needs). GM truck issues for me 1) I still don’t understand why they can’t align the steering wheel and the seat (everyone else can) 2) Sorry not ok with column shifter and haven’t had in a vehicle since the 70’s and 3) no extended fuel tank in crew cab short box. They might fix 3 but I actually think they think 1 and 2 are features. So sorry probably won’t be my next truck again. Also owned a 2004 Titan when they were a class leader in some aspects, now just a class follower at best.
Thank you Ram for the new face. I like it and am planning on getting one shortly. I want something different and new when getting a new truck. Funny why the Ford being the whole grill on the Raptor, of Platinum covering the whole tail gate doesn't get the "headline" comments.
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Jun 9, 2015