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ray johns
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I know that there is a lot to fix in TPP and TTIF and Republicans will fight tooth and nail to make that impossible . They want to protect their powerful Corporate sponsors. The Republicans tried to link approval of TAA to welfare/medicare cuts. When haven't we seen this favorite GOP trick to stop anything that Obama wants to do? We've seen Republicans play recklessly with American lives since Obama/Biden were elected in 2008. IT isn't just the TPP and TTIF trade pacts that might cost some Americans their jobs but the country being too tightly tied to international economic competition and trade(globalization) . But, is the right way to save American jobs really to withdraw from international economic relations all together? That's what would happen if we don't try and make TPP a fair trade agreement.
The War of Trade Models
There is an interesting debate going on in Europe about the likely consequences of the TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership). Much of the real debate is (or should be) about the proposed Investor-State dispute resolution (ISDS) and the desirability of regulatory harmonization whe...
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Jun 13, 2015
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