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Andrew Travelblogpedia
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I was wondering if you can help me properly quote and link back to other people blog posts. I am passionate traveler and because of my passion I ended up following and reading many travel blogs. Sometime I don't have much time, I want to read only about a specific location I am interested into ,so going through all these blogs and searching for that specific location proved to be quite difficult. That is how I got this idea ..why not make a website with all the top travel blog posts categorized in country/location, which will show people only relevant posts form various travel blogs based on the location they select. So I created Well my dilemma is now, how can I properly link back to the original post and give credit to the author and provide value to the reader as well. You can see here an example of what i trying to do ( quote the original article and link back to it): I plan on contacting every author of the blog posts I want to include and ask for permission to do it, however I want to make sure first I am doing everything I can to make this proposal to be as legit as possible and one that everyone will benefit from. I definitely don't want them to think that i am stealing their content or something like that. Can you please give some guidance? Thank you!
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Andrew Travelblogpedia is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 27, 2015