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Alex Smith
Miami Beach, FL, USA
If you want to go on holiday in an exotic location, Pine Cliffs Resort is the place for you.The resort is run by Starwood Hotels.Pine Cliffs Resort is located in Abulferia, Portugal, on a magnificent cliff site and the environment is dominated by lush green vegetation and a stunning beach.At the Pine Cliffs Sheraton Algarve Hotel our superbly-provisioned resort has a beach club, a spa and a fitness centre.The resort is a great choice for everyone looking for an activity filled holiday in the sun. Regardless of age or gender, all of our guests enjoy a once in a life time experience that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. We offer our guests a wide range of accommodation options here at the Pine Cliffs Resort. Within the grounds of the resort there are 154 2 and 3 bedroom apartments, each fitted with quality appliances and extras to keep our guests comfortable throughout their stay. We also have high quality investment options for anyone interested in residential holiday properties through our holiday ownership options and freehold luxury properties. There are 2 and 3 bedroom apartments totalling over 150 scattered all over the resort, with modern appliances and extras to ensure a luxurious holiday experience for all of our guests. Our Pine Cliffs Deluxe Villas, Pine Cliffs Residences and Pine Cliffs Terraces are some of the most beautiful properties you will find across the world
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Jun 30, 2015